The Serbian flag, left, and the Chetnik Flag.
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic
At Chetnik Memorial Hall in Crown Point, Indiana
May 19, 2013
Statue of Liberty with fireworks.
Source of image unknown at this time.
Aleksandra's Note:
There are so many reasons I'm grateful to be an American. One is for the sanctuary America has provided for the countless Serbian patriots who came to this great land seeking refuge from communist Yugoslavia after World War II. My father was one of those Serbian patriots, who met and married my mother here in America and who made his home and his life here permanently. Because of this blessing, I was born here in the United States and have had the advantage of experiencing and living both the American and traditional Serbian culture and traditions.
Through the years, I've met countless Serb patriots who made the same journey and who passed on the legacy of General Draza Mihailovich and the Chetniks to their children and grandchildren who now continue to carry the torch of Freedom and Liberty and Faith in God and the Homeland.
They never forgot or lost their love for their Serb homeland, though they made their new home here in America. I'll be forever grateful that they made this journey, that America opened her doors, gave them refuge and a new life and opportunities, and gave us descendants the gift of the heritage we must hold onto for always.
Happy Birthday, America,
on this 4th of July, Independence Day,
from a grateful Serbian-American who
will always remain a patriot.
Aleksandra Rebic
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at