Beautiful mural of General Mihailovich in Serbia.
The Serbian Cyrillic words read:
"Draza lives. He won't die as long as there is Serbdom and Serbia!"
Artist and author of photograph unknown at this time.
Aleksandra's Note:As Serbian patriots in the homeland and we throughout the Serbian Diaspora marked another July anniversary of General Mihailovich's martyrdom, this time with the May 2015 reversal of his phony 1946 conviction giving the commemorations a long awaited spiritual lift, it is very heartening to note that General Mihailovich has not been forgotten. His spirit is as alive today, 69 years after his death, as it would be if his mortal being was still among us.
Thank you to all those men, women, and children out there who have kept the legacy alive.
DRAZA LIVES! He won't ever die as long as there is Serbdom and Serbia!
Aleksandra Rebic
July 19, 2015
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com