Mihailovich monument at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church
Broadview Heights, Cleveland, Ohio September 19, 2015.
Second Annual Chetnik Family Reunion.
Photo courtesy of courtesy of Mirjana Svilar Novakovic.
Aleksandra's Note: All of us who come from a Chetnik Family are blessed with an honorable heritage and a noble history. That history and heritage runs through our blood and has a special place in our hearts. No matter where we are born, where we end up spending our lives, or where we die, our Chetnik heritage remains with us. It is so very important that we learn and understand our glorious and sometimes painful history and continue to maintain our traditions and pass on those traditions to the youngest among us, so that the oldest among us can rest easy. Getting together to share and celebrate our common legacy revives old memories and gives us the opportunity to make new ones, and serves to remind us that we really are the keepers of the torch. It is a big responsibility and obligation that we are tasked with, and God Bless those who willingly accept that task with pride, sincere dedication, genuine good will, and love.
The following are just some of the lasting impressions and memories that were created at the Second Annual Chetnik Family Reunion at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Cleveland, Ohio in Broadview Heights on Saturday September 19, 2015. It is particularly noteworthy to mention that members from both the "Organization of Serbian Chetniks Ravna Gora" and the "Movement of Serbian Chetniks Ravne Gore" participated in the Reunion. Although I was not able to be present for this special event, I'm glad it was a great success! Congratulations!
Aleksandra Rebic
Second Annual Chetnik Family Reunion, Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 19, 2015.
Photo courtesy of 'Hej, Evo Nas Mi Smo Djeca Drazinih Cetnika' on Facebook.
Second Annual Chetnik Family Reunion, Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 19, 2015.
Photo courtesy of 'Hej, Evo Nas Mi Smo Djeca Drazinih Cetnika' on Facebook.
Second Annual Chetnik Family Reunion, Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 19, 2015.
Photo courtesy of 'Hej, Evo Nas Mi Smo Djeca Drazinih Cetnika' on Facebook.
Second Annual Chetnik Family Reunion, Cleveland, Ohio Sept. 19, 2015.
Photo courtesy of 'Hej, Evo Nas Mi Smo Djeca Drazinih Cetnika' on Facebook.
"My heart is overflowing tonight. The reunion was so much more than I could have ever dreamed. Everything about the day was magnificent!!!!! I met new Chetnik family and saw those that I met last year. I heard stories of people reconnecting after many years. It was a special event for sure. Thank you to all who donated their time and money to help make this event successful. Thank you to all that attended. Most of all thank you to the Committee for the Second Annual Chetnik Reunion. It would not be such a great success without all of you!!!! God bless!!!!!"
Nikola Mandic, Sr.:
"I would like to say what a pleasure and how grateful I am to have been able to work with the members of the Pokret chapter in Cleveland. This event would not have been as successful without their help and participation."
Milka Gvozdenovic:
"As a member of the reunion committee I can say that the event was truly successful. Attendance was great and we had guests from all over the US and Canada. People were approaching us all day and telling us how impressed they were with the reunion. Most importantly, as I said in an earlier post, we got to meet new Cetnik family that we otherwise would have not had the opportunity to meet. I met and made new friends last year, this year and God willing next year as well. Our fathers and grandfathers were there with us and I am sure rejoiced in seeing us come together to honor Cica Draza and his cetniks. The service in Church, the blessing of the monument, Kosovo Men's Choir singing responses and performing Cetnik songs at the picnic, Kraljevo kolo, dancing, singing, good food and having living cetniks with us made it all special. Members of both Cetnik chapters from both St. Sava Churches worked together to make this event that much more special. May we continue to celebrate our Cetnik heritage and love one another as brothers and sisters. Let's get some other Chetnik chapters to commit to hosting the reunion next year so that all regions have the opportunity to gather their members to be able to attend the festivites. I know for some of the older people it is dificult to travel so it would be ideal to have events closer to home for them. Regardless of where the next reunion is held, I plan on being there, God willing."
All photos below courtesy ofMirjana Svilar Novakovic.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com