"Glavica" in Croatia
Photo by Vera Dragisich August 2015
Milorad Popovich
The refugee family of Milorad Popovich (as a child) escaping Yugoslavia
and Communism, on their way to America in 1950.
Photo courtesy of Milorad Popovich.
"We, the Children of the Camps"
The Serbian Lands of Croatia
"Beautiful country.
I can't help but think...
They took it away from us
Yet it's still there.
Because our parents escaped
We are now here.
So many gave their lives
To save the few.
Meeting in those DP Camps
Our parents knew.
We the children of the Camps
Would never forget."
By Milorad Popovich
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com