Channel: General Draža Mihailovich
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THE VICTORY OF VINDICATION! Historic Day in Belgrade, Serbia as Higher Court overturns 1946 Conviction of General Draza Mihailovich on May 14, 2015!


Aleksandra's Note: It is through tears of joy and relief that I announce that what so many of us have been hoping and praying for all these years has finally come to pass! As the world marks the 70th Anniversary of the end of World War Two, one of the war's greatest heroes and martyrs has officially been rehabilitated by the Higher Court in Belgrade, Serbia! The historic decision is final, reversing one of the most unjust convictions in the history of mankind, and restores all civil rights to Serbian General Dragoljub Draza Mihailovich, falsely charged, tried, convicted, and executed by the Yugoslav Communists in July of 1946.

I opened this website dedicated to General Mihailovich back in July of 2006, in honor of the 60th Anniversary of his death, and that is the same year that the request for the official rehabilitation of Mihailovich was first initiated in Belgrade. It has been nine long years since then, with many setbacks and continuances in the rehabilitation process. Though many lost hope that it would ever come to fruition, others did not. While many of Draza's loyal patriots did not live to see this day in May come to pass and many of those American and Allied WWII veterans he saved during the war did not live to see this day, their departed souls will be celebrating along with us.

The coming days, months, and years will be filled with righting the wrongs of the last 70 years, but the biggest obstacle has finally been overcome. With great respect I declare to the Higher Court in Belgrade - "Well Done and Thank You!" Serbia, on this day, May 14, 2015, has found its soul!

Yesterday, May 13, on the eve of today's Rehabilitation Hearing in Belgrade and in hopeful anticipation of its successful outcome, I asked my father, a WWII Serbian Chetnik veteran, to share any thoughts he might have  He summed it up perfectly:

"The rehabilitation of General Draza Mihailovich is solid proof that the Partisan movement in Yugoslavia was a living lie. They had to kill him to be able to continue promoting their lies for 70 years."

Rade Rebic

My father's words remind us that the work must continue.Our fathers and grandfathers did the heavy lifting - they walked the walk. They fought the war and the long and hard battle for vindication after the war. They never quit. I only wish that those who have departed could have lived to see this day. It's now up to us.

I propose the following three goals:

1. Collect all the books filled with the lies of the last 70 years. Though I am adamantly opposed to the burning of books, the books filled with communist lies that have poisoned the historical record with regards to General Mihailovich and the Chetniks need to be collected and put away somewhere where they can no longer poison any more hearts and minds.

2. Make General Draza Mihailovich a Christian SAINT in the Serbian Orthodox Church.

3. Proclaim May 14th a national Serbian holiday and establish that date as the SLAVA of General Mihailovich, making it the Patron Saint's Day dedicated to him and celebrated forevermore by Christians all over the world.

To all those individuals and groups who initiated and participated in the Rehabilitation process from its inception in 2006 to this day, nine long years later, "Thank You" for never quitting, for keeping the faith, and for maintaining the courage of your convictions no matter how many setbacks you had to endure.

To all those who have supported the Mihailovich Rehabilitation process and have kept the great General in your prayers and who never lost faith no matter how many disappointments you had to endure: "Thank You."

And most of all, to the one and most Holy without whom none of us could have endured and none of this could have come to pass: "Thank You." God's justice ALWAYS prevails.

To our dear General Mihailovich: I hope that on this day you are with your Serbian patriots, your brothers in arms, your civilian men and women who loved and followed you regardless of the price, the American and Allied WWII veterans like Richard Felman, Curtis "Bud" Diles, Arthur "Jibby" Jibilian, Charlie Davis, Nick Lalich, George Vujnovich, George "Guv" Musulin, and so many others who are no longer with us here on earth. I hope that you are celebrating with great joy in your hearts. You deserve it!



Aleksandra Rebic
May 14, 2015
Chicago, USA


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


VIDEO / Рехабилитован Драгољуб Дража Михаиловић / "PTB-Radio-Televizija Voyvodine" May 14, 2015

PTB-Radio-Televizija Voyvodine
(Јасмина Добриловић), Бета, ФоНет, Танјуг
May 14, 2015

БЕОГРАД - Виши суд у Београду донео је одлуку да се рехабилитује командант Краљевске војске у отаџбини, односно, командант четничког покрета, генерала Драгољуба Драже Михаиловића.

Тиме се поништава пресуда од 17. јула 1946. године којом је Михаиловић осуђен на смрт стрељањем и одузета му грађанска права, као и све правне последице те пресуде.

Судија Александар Трешњев, образлажући одлуку, рекао је да суђење Михалиловићу 1946. године није било фер, те да је четири дана пре подизања оптужнице добио право на браниоца.
"Није имао увид у доказе, доста доказа је фалсификовано. Судили су му из НОБ, фактички они против којих се борио", навео је судија, додајући да је тадашњи политички врх учествовао у креирању те оптужнице која је била исписана на више од две хиљаде страна, а да је Михаиловић имао само осам дана да припреми одбрану.
На ову одлуку, сходно Закону о рехабилитацији не постоји право жалбе, тако да је она коначна.
Судија Трешњев рекао је да је пресуда Врнховног суда ФНРЈ у делу који се односи на Михаиловића проглашена ништавном као и да су ништавне све њене правне последице, па и оне које се односе на имовину.
"Драгољуб Михаиловић сматра се неосуђиваним", рекао је судија Трешњев, после чега је добио аплауз и поздраве публике.
Rehabilitovan Dragoljub Draža Mihailović
Posted on You Tube by  "Radio Televizija Vojvodine"
Published on May 14, 2015
Viši sud u Beogradu doneo je odluku da se rehabilituje komandant komandanta četničkog pokreta, odnosno Kraljevske vojske u otadžbini, generala Dragoljuba Draže Mihailovića.


У образложењу решења он је нагласио да је Драгољуб Михаиловић лишен живота из политичких и идеолошких разлога и да је то било суђење режиму старе, Краљевине Југославије, односно избегличкој влади.
Он је нагласио да суд није утврђивао чињеницу да ли је Драгољуб Михаиловић ратни злочинац или не, већ искључиво да ли је имао фер и правично суђење.
"Ово није била рехабилитација Равногорског покрета и Југословенске војске у отаџбини, јер је то учињено бројним законима који се односе на борачка питања, већ искључиво да ли је Драгољуб Михаиловић имао фер и правично суђење", рекао је Трешњев.
Објављивање пресуде пратио је велики број медија и публике, тако да је велика судница Палате правде била испуњена до последњег места.
У публици су, између осталих, били принц Александар Карађорђевић, председник Српске радикалне странке Војислав Шешељ, припадници равногорског покрета, Образа, Жене у црном, и други заинтересовани, међу којима је било и оних у народним ношњама, као и са четничким обележјима.
Суд је утврдио да је спорна пресуда донета у незаконитом процесу из политичких и идеолошких разлога.
Први захтев за рехабилитацију поднео је Михаиловићев унук Војислав Михаиловић 2006. године, а касније му се придружило још неколико удружења и странака.
Предлогу за рехабилитацију придружили су се 2009. године Српска либерална странка, са Костом Чавошким на челу, Удружење припадника Југословенске војске у отаџбини, Удружење политичких затвореника и жртава комунистичког режима, професор међународног права Смиља Аврамов и други.
Одлуком суда потврђене су тврдње предлагача рехабилитације да Михаиловићу током процеса није било омогућено право на одбрану, да није видео свог адвоката до почетка суђења, да није имао ни право на непристрасан суд, док му је оптужница уручена седам дана пред суђење.
На пресуду, није имао ни право да уложи жалбу, већ је два дана од изрицања стрељан у тајности.
Посебна Комисија утврђује тачну локацију на којој је стрељан, јер се претпоставља да су његови посмртни остаци пребачени на другу локацију.
Михаиловић иначе нема гробно место.
У недостатку других доказа о Михаиловићевој смрти, решењем Првог основног суда у Београду 2013. године као датум смрти Михаиловића утврђен је 17. јул 1946. године, пошто је суд утврдио да је тог датума стрељан.
Могућ повраћај имовине
Одлука о рехабилитацији Драгољуба Драже Михаиловића значи да се он више не сматра осуђеним и да му се враћају сва грађанска права која су му була одузета поништеном пресудом Врховног суда ФНРЈ указао је један од пуномоћника предлагача рехабилитације адвокат Зоран Живановић.
Он је у изјави новинарима рекао да се то односи и на конфисковану имовину, тако да сада Михаиловићеви наследници могу да траже повраћај имовине која му је одузета.
Живановић је истакао да је задовољан одлуком суда, којом је усвојен захтев предлагача, напомињући да је једино таква одлука и могла да буде донета, с обзиром на све указане чињенице и доказе.
Rehabilitovan Dragoljub Draža Mihailović
Posted on You Tube by "Radio Televizija Vojvodine"
Published on May 14, 2015
Viši sud u Beogradu doneo je odluku da se rehabilituje komandant komandanta četničkog pokreta, odnosno Kraljevske vojske u otadžbini, generala Dragoljuba Draže Mihailovića.




If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


"...Cвесни смо да права борба тек предстоји...Српски либерални савет са задовољством поздравља данашњу рехабилитацију." / Мр Драган Крсмановић 14. Maj 2015.

тел :062 120 90 36
11 000 БЕОГРАД

Када се над падинама утишао одјек „Христос воскресе“ упућен из хиљада грла бораца Југословенске војске у Отаџбини, колоне су тог васкршњег дана 6.маја 1945. године кренуле даље ка Зелегори, земаљској смрти и вечном животу.

Дражина порука из његове васкршње Заповести да „Наша борба и наша патња су за права човека Богом дана. То је пут Господа Исуса Христа на коме је и он страдао, али и васкрсао. Векови то нису променули и оборили, неће ни појава данашњице. Ми можемо у тој борби и изгинути; али је њена победа сигурна, победа и благодати за преживеле и потоње. Уверен у вашу решеност да истрајете до краја, ја вам упућујем, драги моји саборци, мој поздрав: Христос воскресе!“можда тог дана није деловала толико пророчка као данас.

Генералу Михаиловићу данашња рехабилитација није била неопходна, он је својом мученичком смрћу и властитом крвљу справо овоземаљске грехове и завредио живот вечни. Рехабилитација, коју смо данас дочекали, била је неопходна Србији а посебно њеном правосуђу. Показало се да покушај да се сила прикаже као правда није могућ и да се враћамо у време кад се мора судити по закону, и Божјем и земаљском. Данашњи дан није дан тријумфа, то је дан правде. Српски либерални савет са задовољством поздравља данашњу рехабилитацију.

Истовремено свесни смо да права борба тек предстоји. Борба да се деценијама наталожене предрасуде према Ђенералу и његовим борцима избришу и да им се да заслужено место у нашем националном сећању. Истовремено, као одлучни борци против комунистичке идеологије, морамо са дубоким уважавањем пружити руку помирења и разумевања онима који су се борили у оквиру партизансог покрета а чије су искрене намере, патриотизам и жељу за социјалном правдом злоупотребили идеолози једног по све, а посебно по Србе, наопаког система.

На историчарима је сада да без страха изнесу своја сазнања о уделу ЈВуО у антиокупаторској борби, на локалним самоуправама да дају имена улицама и трговима а на свима нама је да учинимо да овај историјски дан не буде нови повод за раздоре већ могућност за превазилажење подела и сукоба на корист Отаџбине и целог српског народа.

Мр Драган Крсмановић
Српски либерални савет
14. Maj. 2015.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com



Beta, Tanjug
May 14, 2015

Thursday's decision by the Higher Court in Belgrade to rehabilitate Dragoljub Draza Mihailovic has been hailed by some and condemned by others.

Mihailovic's supporters in front of the court (Tanjug)
Yugoslavia's post-war communist authorities in 1946 charged Mihailovic with collaboration with the Nazi occupiers and sentenced him to death in a trial described as political and ideological.

He was also stripped of his rights as a citizen - something that the court ruling announced on Thursday restored.

Explaining the decision, Judge Aleksandar Tresnjev said that the court did not seek to determine whether or not Mihailovic was a war criminal, but only if he had been given a fair and just trial in 1946.

"This is not a rehabilitation of the Ravna Gora (Ravnogorski) Movement and the Yugoslav Army in the Homeland, because that has been done via numerous laws related to veteran issues - this was exclusively about whether Dagoljub Mihailovic had a fair and just trial," the judge stressed.

The court found that this was not the case, Tresnjev continued. Mihailovic did not have a right to present his defense, and he did not see his lawyer before the trial started.

"Dragoljub Mihailovic is considered a person who has not been convicted," the judge announced, to a thunderous applause of the members of the public present in the courtroom.


Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic reacted to the news to say he was "personally dissatisfied" with the decision, considering that he comes from a family of "Partisan fighters who liberated Belgrade and Serbia in the Second World War."

Stressing that this was his personal stance, Stefanovic added: "Of course, I don't interfere in the decisions of independent justice organs, they probably had more legal arguments and evidence than I do."

In a statement issued by his ministry, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that the court's decision was not a step toward reconciliation and truth, but one that "deepens divisions."

"The Higher Court in Belgrade should be reminded that 70 years ago, on May 14, 1945, the same date when it made the disgraceful decision on the rehabilitation, English soldiers in Italy and Austria captured almost 30,000 Ustashas and Chetniks and handed them over to Yugoslav Partisans. That alone speaks about who were allies, and who the enemy in May 1945," the statement said.

Dacic added that "the world is today facing attempts at historical revisionism of victories and defeats, crime and punishment."

"No decision of any court can erase and annul history. Serbia, as the victim of such attempts on international scene, must fight against historical revisionism and relativization of historical facts in Serbia itself," the MFA statement concluded.


Mihailovic's opponents in front of the court (Tanjug)
The Federation of Veterans' Associations of the People’s Liberation War (SUBNOR) of Serbia on Thursday strongly criticized the judicial rehabilitation of Mihailovic.

The organization, comprised mainly of members of the Second World War Partisan units and their descendants, believes that Mihailovic’s rehabilitation is "legally unfounded and therefore untenable."

“This is a deletion of Serbia’s undeniable historical contribution to crushing fascism and of the victory of the anti-Hitler coalition that the people’s partisan army units were worthy comrades of,” SUBNOR said in a statement.

“The rehabilitation of the leader of the group which, starting from 1941, was avoiding, and, as a rule, collaborating with, the invading soldiers, while they burned entire villages, raped and plundered, and even killed babies in the cradle with their knives... represents also a new retaliation against the hundreds of thousands of victims and their descendants.”

SUBNOR sees the court's decision was tantamount to “rubbing salt on a ever fresh wound, sticking a finger in the eye of neighbors of today and of the entire anti-fascist world who look at our nation and the undeniably glorious place that the partisan fighters have in the history of mankind with respect."

"Region rejoice"

But presidential adviser Oliver Antic, who was one of the authorized representatives of those who proposed Mihailovic's rehabilitation, said that the decision was "a great day for law and justice."

"This is a great day not just for the Serbian people but also for those honorable Croats, Muslims and Slovenians who fought under the command of Mihailovic," Antic said, and pointed out that the units comprised "around 10,000 Croats, 8,000 Muslims and 6,000 Slovenians."

"This day should be celebrated in Croatia, too," Antic said.

Some politicians and officials in that country have strongly reacted to the news from Serbia today, with Justice Minister Orsat Miljenic saying that the rehabilitation of Mihailovic was tantamount to that of "Adolf Hitler or Ante Pavelic" - the latter being the head of Ustasha regime at the helm of the WW2-era puppet Nazi entity known as the Independent State of Croatia (NDH).

Asked to comment on this, Antic told B92:

"I did not send a strange message, but one about a chance for reconciliation. The evil in these regions came from the Second World War and one cannot understand 1991 without understanding 1941. I don't hold it against them, because they don't know the facts, and now there is the possibility to learn the truth," Antic said.


Yugoslav Crown Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic welcomed the court's decision on Thursday, noting that "this is a key step toward national reconciliation."

He "underscored that this decision has finally corrected one of the biggest historical injustices, noting that this was not just an instance of injustice done to a patriotic citizen, it was also an act of injustice toward the country and nation as a whole," Tanjug quoted him as saying.

Karadjordjevic noted that this is the reason why this is a big and positive day for Serbia and its people, and underscored that the decision bears key importance for national reconciliation.

"We need to do everything we can to overcome the differences still present among us with a view to a joint and improved future," the Karadjordjevic said in a statement.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Wishing both the "Organization of Serbian Chetniks Ravna Gora" and the "Movement of Serbian Chetniks Ravne Gore" a successful Congress gathering this weekend, May 16-17, 2015 in Indiana!

Aleksandra's Note: I so, so very much wish I could be there with you all! This would have been such a wonderful weekend to spend with the Chetniks in Indiana, with both Chetnik groups, the "Organization of Serbian Chetniks Ravna Gora" and the "Movement of Serbian Chetniks Ravne Gore" gathering for their annual congress after such a historic week of good news! A previous commitment made last year makes it impossible for me to join you, but please know I will most definitely be with you in spirit!

I wish both groups a successful congress gathering for 2015! Looking forward to next year!

Aleksandra Rebic
May 16, 2015


General Draza Mihailovich on Ravna Gora in Serbia 1943
From Danny Danilovic:
"Saturday May 16th: Chetnik Congress at the Chetnik Hall in Schererville Indiana. Dance and celebration.
This year we also celebrate the historic Rehabilitation of General Draza Mihajlovic by the High Court of Belgrade. We celebrate our hero Draza Mihajlovic and his Chetniks this year as we have been for the last 75 years.
Finally the rest of the world will join us in respecting this man
and his movement.
Chetnik songs and Kolo dancing will be provided by Danny Danilovic and Alex Culafic."
Danny Danilovic
Danny Danilovic performing Chetnik songs at OSCRG Congress May 17, 2014
Merrillville, Indiana.
Photo by Aleksandra Rebic
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

VIDEO - Al Jazeera Balkans - Rehabilitacija Draže Mihailovića / May 14, 2015


Posted on You Tube by "Al Jazeera Balkans"
Published on May 14, 2015
Komandant četničkog pokreta Dragoljub Draža Mihailović rehabilitovan je odlukom Višeg suda u Beogradu.Rehabilitacijom je poništena presuda iz 1946. godine, kojom je Mihailović osuđen na smrt, i kada su mu oduzeta sva građanska prava.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Раша Драшковић: Дража ставља на проверу савест Срба / "Novosti" May 17, 2015

Ј. Матијевић - И. Прековић
May 17, 2015

Холивудски продуцент о свом ауторском филму о вођи четничког покрета, рехабилитацији ђенерала, о деди, министру у Краљевини СХС.

фото З. Јовановић
ОДЛУКА о рехабилитацији генерала Драже Михаиловића важан је корак за савест Срба и шанса да се народ осврне уназад и увиди грешке које су направљене. Суђење из 1946. је било неправично, а фер процес је нешто што сваки оптужени жели. Генерал ту прилику није имао.
Овако, ексклузивно за “Новости”, о рехабилитацији команданта Југословенске војске у отаџбини, говори Раша Драшковић, продуцент из Лос Анђелеса. Унук Милорада Драшковића, министра унутрашњих дела Краљевине СХС и прве жртве политичког убиства у Југославији 1921. године. А жива реч и сећања Рашиног оца Милорада, високог функционера Дражиног Омладинског покрета, била су повод да продуцира документарни филм “Генерал Михаиловић - Херој и казна”, недавно приказан на РТС.
Док је у четвртак председавајући Већа Вишег суда у Београду образлагао поништавање пресуде Дражи Михаиловићу од 15. маја 1946. године, Раша Драшковић био је у судници. Желео је да доживи овај “кадар” и само зато је недавно из Лос Анђелеса допутовао у Београд.
- Ово је за мене важан датум - каже Драшковић. - Било ми је врло битно да будем у судници у дану правде за генерала Дражу Михаиловића и његову породицу. Рехабилитација је узбуркала моја осећања. Другачије се доживи када пресуду гледате на телевизији. Овако, верујем да сам у тој судници и сам искусио део историје.
* Колико је одлука о рехабилитацији важна за српски народ?
- Она је најбоља порука за разрешење вишедеценијских несугласица међу Србима. Можда ће сада људи другачије гледати једни на друге. Да би се ценила, прошлост мора да се разуме. Можда се овом пресудом ништа неће променити одмах, али је важно да учињена неправда није препуштена забораву и да је добијена прилика да се - исправи! Пре готово седам деценија, Дражи Михаиловићу пресудила је само оптужница. Тек после ове одлуке народ ће имати могућност да мирне савести и објективно сагледа улогу Драже Михаиловића у Другом светском рату.

* Како ће враћање части Дражи Михаиловићу дочекати потомци избеглих пред Титовим ре­жимом?

- Са олакшањем, јер је тај рат кројио судбину многобројних српских породица у дијаспори. Током мог одрастања у Америци свако помињање генераловог имена будило је различите емоције. О њему се дискутовало увек и на сваком месту, почев од слава па до свих других окупљања Срба. Неки су сматрали да је све што је учинио било исправно, а други не. Сада ће и једни и други имати прилику да се “пробуде”, да емоције оставе по страни и да поново процене његову улогу у Другом светском рату.

* Продуцирали сте документарни филм о Дражи. Које нове историјске чињенице филм открива?

- Хтео сам да прикажемо нешто што никада до сада није било на филму. Да бисмо били што објективнији и да бисмо открили истину, разговарали смо са људима који су имали било каква сазнања или чак и контакте са припадницима Југословенске војске у отаџбини. Користили смо оригиналне снимке које смо пронашли у Вашингтону. Реч је о прилозима снимљеним у Србији током рата који су приказивали шта људи мисле о Дражи, четницима и партизанима. Видели смо и неке холивудске филмове о томе, али и читали магазине из тог периода који су указивали шта је довело до обрта односа савезника према Дражи.

* Шта је за вас лично значио овај филм?

- Увек су ме привлачиле приче о људима у екстремним условима. Али, прича о Дражи ми је најважнија на којој сам до сада радио. Не зато што ми је блиска због личних разлога, већ зато што је невероватна прича о томе кроз шта је прошао током рата. Мислим да смо успели да покажемо како је једна врло лична људска драма виђена од његових савременика широм света, нарочито из америчког угла. За овај пројекат требало нам је седам и по година. Снимали смо у Лос Анђелесу, Вашингтону, Њујорку, Лондону...

* Шта вам је значило недавно приказивање вашег филма на РТС?

- То ми је врло важно. Било је неких препрека, али када је коначно емитован, преплавила су ме многа осећања и право је задовољаство видети и чути реакције гледалаца које су углавном позитивне. Људи су били знатижељни, а стизало ми је и много питања о томе како је филм уопште снимљен. Желели су да га поново гледају, тражили су репризе. То ми је била највећа награда, чему сам се, признајем, потајно и надао.

* Планирате ли да снимите још неки филм са тематиком из српске историје?

- Волео бих. Има још прича које желим да документујем и које заслужују да буду испричане. Можда то буде баш филм о мом деди.

* На који начин је политичко избеглиштво одредило живот вашег оца?

- Усмерило га је да активно истражује и да се бави политичким наукама, а теме за радове црпио је из савремене источноевропске историје. Најпре у Швајцарској где је и докторирао, а потом, од 1958. године и у Америци. Предавао је и учествовао у различитим истраживањима и пројектима универзитета Харвард, Стенфорд и Беркли.

* Памтите ли очеве приче о вашем деди?

- Мој отац је рођен као посмрче и од оца му је остало само име. Деду је, 21. јула 1921. године, убио с леђа, на клупи у парку, у Делницама, комуниста Алија Алијагић. Наочиглед моје трудне баке и троје деце. Страдао је као бивши министар унутрашњих дела, који је донео Обзнану - закон о укидању Комунистичке партије, која није признавала Краљевину СХС, иако је била трећа по резултатима на претходним изборима. Када смо први пут, 1986. године, овде дошли посетили смо дедин гроб на Новом гробљу у Београду. Тада сам, заправо, остварио најближи контакт са дедом. Остало је врло мало његових фотографија и докумената, а неке од њих дао нам је професор Момчило Павловић. Он пише књигу о нашој породици и једва чекам да је прочитам.



РАША Драшковић је један од најпознатијих америчких продуцената. Снимио је више од 60 телевизијских серија и 40 документарних филмова. Остварења његове продуцентске куће “44 блу” тренутно се емитују на седам кабловских канала. За ХБО канал, сада сарађује са холивудском звездом Двејном Џонсоном о животу малолетних делинквената после изласка из затвора. Радио је и са војним и специјалним јединицама израелске, руске и бразилске армије, као и са америчком морнарицом, маринцима и “фокама”. Био је први странац који је снимио унутрашњост најчуванијих кинеских и руских затвора.


* ДА ли су ваша деца заинтересована за српске корене?

- Имам три сина - Мајкла, Томаса и Кристофера. Врло су заинтересовани за српску историју и воле да је истражују. А колико у њима живе српски корени можда најбоље говори то што су због Дивца и Стојаковића, навијали за Сакраменто кингсе, иако живе у Лос Анђелесу. Најстарији син нас, чак, упорно наговара да презиме вратимо у изворну варијанту са девет слова и да више не користимо француску верзију која има 12 слова. Близу смо одлуке.


*КАКО сте доживели НАТО агресију на Србију?

- Као Американцу српског порекла било ми је врло тешко не само те године, већ и због америчких интервенција против српског народа током ратова деведесетих година у Хрватској и Босни. Било је тешко то гледати. Знам да су свежи ожиљци, али што чешће овде долазим више се надам бољем разумевању између Америке и Србије.вести/култура.487.html:548448-Раша-Драшковић-Дража-ставља-на-проверу-савест-Срба


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


CEO FILM - FULL FILM (Serbian and English) / Генерал Михаиловић - Херој и Казна / General Mihailovich - Hero and Punishment / "44 Blue Productions" 2015


Aleksandra's Note: Many thanks to Mr. Rasha Drachkovitch and 44 Blue Productions for making this important film which includes tremendously valuable documentary footage from WWII that reflects the true story of General Draza Mihailovich.

"General Mihailovich - Hero and Punishment / "Херој и Казна" is a film that will be appreciated by generations to come and should be mandatory viewing in the study of WWII, Yugoslavia, and the Allied relationship with the key players in that glorious and tragic saga.

Aleksandra Rebic


Генерал Михаиловић Херој и Казна 2015
Video posted on You Tube by "1srboljub"
Published on May 7, 2015



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Предлог о додели улице ђенералу Драгољубу Дражи Михаиловићу пред Комисијом. / "Snaga Naroda" May 19, 2015

Snaga Naroda
Немања Љубинковић
May 19, 2015

Српски либерални савет поднео је данас предлог Комисији за називе улица и тргова у Београду да се једна улица у Београду назове по генералу Дражи Михаиловићу. У образложењу захтева је наведено да су се јединице генерала Михаиловића бориле против окупатора тадашње отаџбине, и да су немачки окупатори заједно са својим савезницима покренули преко двадесет офанзива ради сламања његовог покрета, као и респисивање велике награде за његово хватање.
Напоменуто је да су председници Француске и Америке генерала Михаиловића одликовали са највишим одликовањима које један страни држављанин може добити од те две земље (одликовања су додељена на самом крају рата) за учешће у борби против нацизма.
Напомињемо да само идеолошки притисак на надлежне може утицати на недодљивање имена улици по овоме српском анти-нацисти и родољубу.
Такође би напоменули да је ово поновљен захтев јер је исти предат поменутом секретаријату 16.6.2010год. на који СЛС није добио никакав одговор. Исти предлог је поднео и Дејан Чулић, одборник Демократске странке Србије у Скупштини града Београда.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic says the rehabilitation of Draza Mihailovic was "a bad decision for Serbia." / "B92" [Tanjug] May 15, 2015


Aleksandra's Note:I don't normally include my own personal editorial commentary with "news story" postings that I publish here on www.generalmihailovich.com, but I just couldn't resist with this one.

I always find it very interesting and highly amusing when the Croatian Nationalists and the Serbian Yugoslav Communists and Titoists are on the SAME side of an issue...It happens much more often than the Croatians are willing to admit...

Aleksandra Rebic


May 15, 2015

Chetnik leader's rehabilitation "bad decision for Serbia"

Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic says the rehabilitation of Draza Mihailovic was "a bad decision for Serbia."

Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic
Photo: (Beta/Hina, file)
She also stated that the decision was bad for relations with Croatia, and will have consequences for relations in the region, but that Croatia will not send a diplomatic note to Serbia.

Pusic added that she was glad that high political officials of Serbia, especially Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, "distanced themselves from the entire case."

"I would not like to be in their shoes, this is pretty tragic for the country's reputation and political culture," said Pusic.

According to her, the court ruling will cause divisions in Serbian society and complicate regional relations, Croatia's Hina agency reported.

"On Monday is the working breakfast within the usual format before the Foreign Affairs Council meeting on Serbia as a country that is negotiating with the European Union. In this context, it is an issue that Serbia will have to deal with," said Pusic.

Asked whether Croatia would block Serbia's path towards the EU, she said this was "done by the Serbian court".

"The court harmed them by this decision, we have no reason to do that, it's a problem they will have to solve," said Pusic, who rejected the claims that "this development opens up the possibility of rehabilitation of other war criminals."

Pusic also pointed out that the of Dragan Vasiljkovic, aka Captain Dragan, is expected soon, and that court proceedings would be initiated afterwards in accordance with the law.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Wiesenthal Centre urges Croatia to end pensions to Nazi allies / "AFP" May 19, 2015

May 19, 2015

Zagreb (AFP) - The Nazi-hunting Simon Wiesenthal Center on Tuesday urged Croatia to stop paying pensions to people who served in the country's World War II Nazi-allied armed forces, labelling the policy an insult to their victims.

Efraim Zuroff, director of the Jerusalem Office
of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (AFP Photo/Christof Stache)
"In view of the horrendous war crimes committed in the so-called Independent State of Croatia (NDH)... such a policy is inherently mistaken," the centre's chief Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff said in a letter to Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic.
Paying pensions to members of the WWII Ustasha armed forces is a "horrific insult to the victims, their families and all Croatians with a sense of morality and integrity," Zuroff stressed in a Wiesenthal Center statement quoting from his letter.
The Nazi-allied Ustasha authorities persecuted and killed hundreds of thousands of ethnic Serbs, Jews, Gypsies and anti-fascist Croatians.
Croatia is currently paying around 10,000 such pensions, to those still living or their spouses, which costs the European Union member around 50 million euros ($56 million) yearly, according to estimates.

Zuroff urged Milanovic to "take the appropriate measures to change this policy as quickly as possible and spare Croatia the shame of rewarding those who were among the worst and most cruel perpetrators of World War II crimes."

In 1993, two years after proclaiming independence from communist Yugoslavia, Croatia amended a law on pensions providing them also to members of the country's Nazi-allied armed forces.

Apart from receiving pensions, members of the so-called "homeland army" during WWII, as the law labelled them, were also entitled to special benefits, with each year spent in the armed forces or in detention after the war counting double when calculating their pensions.

The NDH Nazi puppet state was established in 1941 and lasted until 1945, when its forces were defeated by Josip Broz Tito's Allied-backed partisans.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, headquartered in Los Angeles, hunts Nazi criminal throughout the world. It is named after the Holocaust survivor who was perhaps the best-known Nazi hunter until his death in 2005. Zuroff heads the centre's Israeli office.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


VIDEO / SVAĐA NA RTS: Rehabilitacija Draže Mihailovića - Ivica Dačić i Nenad Popović (05.05.2015)


Ivica Dačić i Nenad Popović

SVAĐA NA RTS: Rehabilitacija Draže Mihailovića - Ivica Dačić i Nenad Popović (05.05.2015)
Posted on You Tube by "Dokumentarne Emisije Balkan"
Published on May 6, 2015



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


FOREIGN OPINION OF THE SERB VOLUNTEER CORPS by Stevan Pirocanac / "Britić - The British Serb magazine" May 15, 2015


Britić - The British Serb magazine
May 15, 2015
Stevan Pirocanac

With the author’s permission, we publish this article by Stevan Piroćanac which appeared as a Viewpoint in the Vol. 22 of the South Slav Journal in Autumn-Winter 2001.

Stevan Piroćanac has previously written about his personal experience as a high school student in WW2. Britić welcomes articles from our the original generation of Serbs to arrive in the Diaspora with their own experiences from the war.

Britić - The British Serb magazine



By Stevan Pirocanac

Dimitrije Ljotić at funeral of a volunteer in 1943 with insignia (left)
Foreigners – mostly the British and Germans – all had their opinions about the Serb Volunteer Corps (SVC). It should be noted that some had ‘first hand’ information. British information came from their military missions to the Chetniks and Partisans, and German information from direct dealing and relationships with the SVC. As foreigners they judged the SVC objectively and without emotional attachment. Their judgment was therefore without prejudice and hence objective.

One man who knew Yugoslavia very well, before and during WWII, was the late Stephen Clissold. He wrote copiously about Yugoslavia, mostly in an official capacity, and he mentioned also the SVC.

Before WWII, Clissold was living in Zagreb, Croatia, where he was employed by the British Council. Also he taught English at Zagreb University, and spoke Serbo-Croat very well. During the war, in 1943, Clissold spent a few months with Maclean’s mission in Yugoslavia and in August 1944 Clissold was a personal interpreter for Churchill at a meeting with Tito held in Caserta, Italy. When MacLean’s Commission was formed in 1946, for the interrogation of Yugoslav Royalists – Chetniks and the SVC living in the Eboli camp (Italy), Clissold became an advisor to the Commission. As such, he personally screened senior officers of the SVC and leading members of Zbor.

In his memorandum to the Foreign Office [November 1947], Clissold wrote: ‘The Serb Volunteer Corps may be considered as the Corps d’elite of the various Serb Forces: The State Guard, Gendarmerie, Frontier Guard, etc. They have given help on numerous occasions to Mihailović’s Chetniks, and through their emissary Boško Kostić helped Mihailović and the Yugoslav Royal Government in London to establish a direct link in 1941. The members of the SVC were required to take an oath of loyalty to King Peter, and technically they have remained loyal and cannot be charged with treason. And this contention has some juridical force. The Nedić Administration and the Volunteers have successfully resisted German pressure to send a voluntary detachment to the Eastern Front. It was never sent. On occasions, the Volunteers have saved the lives of American and British pilots. Two specific instances have been brought to my attention, and there seems little reason not to believe their authenticity.’

Regarding the Volunteers, Keith Steel, British political advisor to the British Commandant in Austria, wrote to the Foreign Office on April 4, 1946: ‘From the beginning of 1942 on, Serb Volunteers fought with Germans against the Communists, without compromising their own national interests. They collaborated with the Wermacht, while SSGruppenführer August Meysner in Serbia was against Ljotić’s Movement and the Volunteers who refused to wear SS uniforms or to be used for auxiliary police duties…’

The British military historian Nigel Thomas, on May 9, 1984, wrote to Professor Staniša Vlahović, reference the SVC, the following:_ ‘Also, I was much excited with the received pictures of the Serb Volunteer Corps. They are of excellent quality, and the remarks you wrote on the backs are of great help. I looked with sorrow at the pictures of these wonderful young men, who tried to serve their country, wondering what happened to them. I would like, one day, to be in position to publish these pictures, if I am given an opportunity. You can be assured that would be done only with the permission of the Volunteer Association…’

The well-known German diplomat at the time of WWII, Dr. Herman Neubacher, wrote about the Serb Volunteers in his book Sonderauftrag Südost also. During his career, Dr. Neubacher held many important positions such as Mayor of Vienna. As an expert on Southeast Europe, he was nominated by Hitler in 1940 as Extraordinary Representative of the Reich in Southeast Europe. After spending time in Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania, he went to Serbia in 1943. His arrival brought great changes to German policies towards the Serbs. Reprisals against innocent civilians were stopped, and Neubacher gave his support to Nedić and Ljotić in their quest to form a federation between Serbia and Montenegro. Later, in 1945, he helped Nedić and Ljotić in gaining the release of both Patriarch Gavrilo and Bishop Nikolai from Dachau. He also helped, though unsuccessfully, the attempts of Bishop Nikolai and some others to cross into Switzerland, in order to establish contact with the Western Allies.

In his book Neubacher analyses in depth the situation in Serbia, the Partisans and Ljotić ‘s Volunteers. Also he writes about the handing over of the Serb Volunteers and the Slovene Home Guards by the British to the Partisans, and gives their numbers: 2,400 Volunteers and some 10,000 Slovenes. They were all killed by the Partisans. Dr. Neubacher says and affirms: ‘…those young men never fought for the Germans, they only fought against the Communists, during the German occupation’.

The German historian, Karl Hailicka, published in 1970 the book The End in the Balkans 1944/45. In this rather lengthy book, Hnilicka uses many sources, and includes much important information about Serbia and Yugoslavia from that period. He mentions the SVC as follows: In a letter written on March 15, 1943, SS General Meysner informs Himmler of the following: ‘The Serb Volunteer Corps [SVC] represents a special danger, and without any doubt it will soon become a source of disturbance, as can be seen from the enclosed report of the Commandant of the Security Service. The Supreme Commander of Serbia gave permission to the SVC to have a flag and a Volunteer’s Cross with the inscription “With Faith in God, for King and Fatherland”. This permission was used on the occasion of taking the oath of allegiance by SVC soldiers, when ovations for King Peter were given… In view of the situation, I think that such experiments are not desirable’.

A senior officer of the SS and Police, Teichman, on March 5, 1943, sent his report to SS General Meysner, in which he describes the oath taking of the IVth Battalion of the SVC. Among other things he reports that civilians who were watching the march of the Volunteers through the streets of Belgrade were shouting ‘Long Live Nedić’, ‘Serbia, Serbia’, ‘Hail the new Serb Army’ and ‘Long live King Peter’.

In his letter, dated April 23, 1943, Himmler, one of the most important Nazi leaders, reveals his opinion of the SVC in his letter to Marshal Keitel. He writes: ‘Dear Field Marshal: Enclosed is the report of the Commandant of Police from Belgrade. I find it highly problematic that we allow the Serbs a flag with the insignia, “With Faith in God, for King and Fatherland.” I am convinced that we chose the wrong approach. Also, my impression is that those Volunteer battalions are exceedingly well treated by the Commandant of the Wermacht in Serbia.’

Some time earlier, on August 23, 1942, Himmler wrote to Dr. Tumer, German Political Advisor to the Military Commander in Belgrade that ‘No Serbs should be trusted, for their tradition has taught them to rebel and organise uprisings… So a Serb will always remain a Serb, whatever happens, and we should avoid strengthening Serbs’.

SS General Meysner’s hostility towards the Serb Volunteers was especially evident during 1942. In one of his directives, August 12 1942, in order to undermine the SVC he decreed that ‘…no arms, food, clothing or any other items should be supplied to the SVC…’ On August 29, 1942, he wrote to the German Supreme Commander for South East Europe, saying: ‘I am of the definite opinion that Serb Volunteers must be disarmed’.

On March 7, 1943, the German Military Commander in Belgrade, General Bader, wrote to his superiors that ‘Serb Volunteers have been defiant and have refused the request of SS General Meysmer to do Police duty, and therefore I have placed them under Wermacht control’.

On May 16, 1943, the German Supreme Commander in Serbia informed Himmler: ’I have decided not to disband the Serb Volunteers although they have taken the oath of allegiance to their King. They wear the Cross of St. George (on their tunics), and this Cross is linked to the historical Kosovo Cross of 1389. They, the Volunteers, are loyal to their King, who is at the moment in the hands of the Western Allies as a prisoner’.

Close to the end of the war, at least in Serbia, the Supreme Commander in the Balkans informed the German Foreign Ministry: ‘because of the new situation in the Balkans we have decided not to strengthen the Serb Volunteer Corps for they would not be a reliable force if sent to face the Anglo-Americans’.

The Serb Volunteers, throughout their existence, always proclaimed their loyalty to the King of Yugoslavia. By doing so the Volunteers showed that they were fighting for the resurrection of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, contrary to the wishes of Hitler, Himmler and many others. These facts speak lucidly for themselves. There is nothing more than I can add, except that I hope that future historians will take this information into consideration if and when they write the history of those difficult days in Yugoslavia and Serbia during the Second World War – 1941-1945.

Stevan Pirocanac



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Војислав Михаиловић: Титоисти и хрватски лобисти су у процесу за рехабилитацију Драже показали да не поштују судство ни државу / "Нова српска политичка мисао" May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015

Пре девет година, Војислав Михаиловић покренуо је захтев за рехабилитацију деде, четничког вође Драгољуба Драже Михаиловића, који је јула 1946. године осуђен на смрт и стрељан. Половином маја 2015. пресуда је поништена, и “чичи” су враћена грађанска права која су му била одузета у политичко-идеолошком процесу комунистичког режима.

– Моја породица и ја чекали смо читав живот да се са нашег презимена скине срамни жиг издајника, ратног злочинца и окупатора – прича Војислав Михаиловић и додаје да су на то чекали и многобројни након рата дискриминисани потомци Дражиних сабораца и симпатизера у Србији и у српским земљама.

Михаиловић каже да је ову одлуку чекала и Дражина безгробна војска, и да је о исправљању велике неправде сањала и милионска српска емиграција.

– Нисам се оглашавао у току процеса из више разлога, ни у судници ни ван ње, као ни у медијима након доношења одлуке. Лојалан сам грађанин и верујем у независно судство наше земље. Потом сам био у уверењу да ми не приличи као политичкој личности да коментаришем одлуке суда – објашњава Михаиловићев унук.

Ипак, Михаиловић није изненађен појединим коментарима на одлуку Вишег суда у Београду, посебно оним који долазе из Хрватске.

– У главном граду Хрватске цвећем и пољупцима дочекана је Хитлерова солдатеска. У монструозној НДХ творевини, по немачким изворима страдало је, само у логорима, 700.000 наших невиних сународника, као и Јевреја и Рома. По преласку на аустријску територију ратни злочинац Анте Павелић прво се сусрео са британским официрима, који су му омогућили да преко Ватикана, некажњено отпутује у Аргентину и као слободан грађанин умре у Шпанији.

Ипак, унук Драже Михаиловића разочаран је појединим рекацијама неких српских званичника, који су, како каже, ову одлуку довели у питање и покушали да јој се наругају:

- Следбеници титоизма, уосталом као и хрватски лобисти овде, прво су показали да не поштују ни судство ове државе, ни државу, као ни симбол српског отпора нацизму и фашизму – а то је ђенерал Драгољуб Дража Михаиловић – или српски Чича како га је народ присно ословљавао – прича Михаиловић.


Он сматра да се нови “НАТО партизани” играју са српском ослободилачком традицијом идентитетом и војничком части, и са свим што има предзнак српски.

– Уместо да раде на националном помирењу и подижу наше самопуздање, они својим изјавама продубљују ровове и иделошке поделе у српском роду. Као прави игноранти и заточеници религије титоизма њих не интересује ни већ научно доказана историјска истина. Можда они боље знају на чијој је страни био ђенерал Михаиловић од америчког председника Харија Трумана, од вође француског покрета отпора Шарла де Гола или од пољског генерала Сикорског! Они су сви одликовали Дражу за неизмерни допринос савезничкој победи над нацизмом и фашизмом у Ервопи – истиче Михаиловић.

Такође, Михаиловић каже да од садашњих “Нато партизана” ништа нису бољи ни они “Нато четници” који су своју политичку каријеру започели под Дражином заставом, а окончали је у идеолошком табору његових џелата.

– Ипак сам уверен да далекосежни значај ове пресуде не могу да умање ни да осенче мега звезде нашег политичког циркусишта, ни “Нато феминтерна”, ни булајићевско-бајићевски перформери,који су похитали да се “уграде” у пресуду или да јој пресуде – каже Михаиловић.

Мом деди одавно већ ништа више не треба, али ова пресуда истовремено ослобађа и исцељује. Као вожд Трећег српског устанка он је, по речима светог владике Николаја, своје место нашао у “царству Небеске Србије”, уз Светог Саву, Светог кнеза Лазара и остале српске великане – прича Дражин унук и додаје:

– Надам се и верујем да одлука суда о рехабилитацији ђенерала Драже отвара и осветљава нове путеве наше историје. И наше прошлости коју су нажалост често тумачили злонамерни туђини и они који не познају српски народ. Као и они који нису гледали у будућност. А историја нас између осталог учи да “будућност припада онима који се најдаље и најдуже сећају прошлости – закључије Војислав Михаиловић.




If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


From Under a Long Shadow, a Serbian-Jewish Chorus Sings On [Baruch Brothers Choir - Hor Braća Baruh] / "Tablet Magazine" April 14, 2015

Tablet Magazine
By Amy Guttman
April 14, 2015

The 136-year-old Baruch Brothers Choir has survived the Holocaust, Communism, and the collapse of the former Yugoslavia.

Nearly all of Serbia’s Jews were killed during the Holocaust, in what was one of the swiftest murder campaigns in all of Europe. The region was declared “Judenfrei” in 1942, after just 13 months of Nazi occupation. Yet the Serbian-Jewish Singing Society—one of the oldest Jewish choirs in the world, today known as the Baruch Brothers Choir—has prospered, despite having been silenced during World Wars I and II. Today, having survived genocide, Communism, the breakup of the former Yugoslavia, and a dwindling Jewish population, the group is larger than at any time in its history—even though less than 20 percent of its members are Jewish.

But that doesn’t seem to bother anyone—not the Ministry of Culture, which requests the choir’s presence at important commemorations; not the Jewish community; and not the singers. Synthesis and harmony have been the driving forces behind the choir since it was first established.

When the group was founded in 1879, said the group’s 31-year-old conductor, Stefan Zekic, “It was to cherish Orthodox Jewish and Serbian music, and create some kind of bridge between two people—Serbian and Jewish people.” That sense of shared purpose will be marked on May 10, when the choir will perform at an official ceremony marking the liberation of Staro Sajmiste, a concentration camp on the outskirts of Belgrade believed to be where half of Serbia’s Jews perished.


The positive connection between Jews and Serbs that the choir had helped foster from its inception was reinforced during WWI, when the two groups fought alongside each other.

“There are a lot of similarities between Judaism and Eastern Orthodoxy,” said Jasna Pecarski, a Serbian-born, American Jewish doctor who retired to Belgrade a few years ago for its affordable lifestyle and who sings in the choir with her son. “There are no instruments in the church, no organ or piano, only voice, usually a choir. We, the Slavs, Serbians, have a big vocal tradition. We sing all kinds of music: Jewish Orthodox, secular music, Serbian Orthodox, everything from famous composers like Mozart to popular arrangements and jazz.”

Yugoslavia provided a haven to Austrian Jews escaping Hitler after the Anschluss in 1938. Serbia’s Jewish population swelled to 35,000—before it was almost entirely wiped out. Most people were sent to nearby concentration camps, in Belgrade and other parts of former Yugoslavia, including Croatia. Many never made it to camps and were shot on the spot.

After Serbia was liberated, 5,000 surviving Serbian Jews returned to Belgrade. Their first stop was the choir rehearsal hall, which became a center for locating family and friends.

“There were many orphans after the war,” said choir President Branka Cvejic-Mezei, herself a Jew. “The Jewish community had no means for a normal life. Many Jews left the country. However, the survivors wasted no time in trying to rebuild the community. Directly after the war, the Jews who survived returned to the choir. Members of the Jewish community wanted to reconnect; the easiest way to do that was through the choir.”

Some Jews survived thanks to Serbia’s 131 “righteous gentiles,” more than from any other Balkan nation. Others became members of the Yugoslav resistance. To commemorate the fight against the Nazis, the chorus changed its name to the Baruch Brothers Choir. The three brothers, all partisans from a prominent Belgrade family, were killed during the war and became a symbol of the resistance. A street and a local school were named after them. Their home, a Belgrade landmark, made headlines last year when it was torn down by a private developer.

The choir performed its first postwar concert in 1948, but it wasn’t until it was invited to sing in Jerusalem four years later that the group really found its feet again. Concert pianist Andreja Preger conducted the performance; at 103, he is the group’s oldest member. Preger survived the Holocaust as a partisan and later became one of a substantial number who met future spouses at rehearsals. The choir has a history of producing marriages, with 30 wed in just the last 15 years. But, reflective of the choir’s membership, many of the unions are mixed.

“The observance in the community is not so strong,” explained Ruben Fuks, head of the Serbian Federation of Jewish Communities. “The minority of the community is very observant. You have to remember the development after the Second World War was not in favor of religious life, so the continuation of the life of the community was more secular than religious.”

Zekic, the conductor, says that under Communism, Judaism was seen as both a religion and an ethnicity. “Our ethnicity was fully accepted with no discrimination,” he said. “It’s very different comparing the Soviet Union, where you have official anti-Semitism. In former Yugoslavia and Serbia, that kind of anti-Semitism wasn’t present.”

The choir, members say, did not face obstacles under Communism. On the contrary, it became a source of national pride. The choir was free to sing whatever songs the members liked—in whatever language. The singers even enjoyed increased freedoms, with permission to travel to festivals and competitions around the region at a time when it wasn’t easy to do so. In 1978, the group even made it to New York City’s Carnegie Hall.

Choir member Gordana Rutar, at 75 one of the group’s older members, fondly remembers traveling to Israel three times, and to England, Greece, Switzerland, and other parts of Europe to perform. Though not Jewish herself, she regards the group as her second family. “I love singing Jewish music,” she said. “I don’t have trouble with the Hebrew or Yiddish at all, because I’ve been singing it for 30 years. I don’t understand it, but I can sing it. I was raised in a family that liked and respected the Jews. Everybody in this choir knows what happened to the Jewish people.”

Aleksandra Pusica, a 23-year-old medical student, auditioned and was accepted into the choir at 18. “I’m not Jewish, but my friends all sing in choirs and I wanted to try something new,” she said. “I was very welcomed and accepted.”

Even today, with anti-Semitism on the rise across Europe, Zekic claims that in Serbia it comes in small doses. Yet Serbia’s Jews are fighting to keep their community alive. After the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, and the conflicts that followed, there came a fresh Jewish exodus. Many went to Israel and the United States, while the elderly moved primarily to Hungary.

Serbia’s Jews are thought to number 3,300, with around 2,000 living in Belgrade. According to Fuks, the choir—which sings dozens of concerts a year, locally and regionally, for state ceremonies, humanitarian events, and at festivals and competitions—is the most visible part of the community; but it, too, faces hurdles. Government support is limited. Zekic, who is a full-time conductor for the National Theater, works for the choir on a volunteer basis. Still, he has enjoyed one perk: He met his girlfriend at rehearsals. She documents the choir’s history through its official Facebook page.

Like many others, Fuks has thought long and hard about how to preserve and cultivate Serbia’s Jewish community. One effort has focused on public schools. Photographs gathered from survivors of the war are part of a traveling exhibition and workshop, touring seven different Serbian cities. The concert marking the liberation of Staro Sajmiste next month will offer another chance to make the community and its traditions accessible.

But, as American expat Jasna Pecarski points out, it’s not all somber. For Hanukkah, they sang to a standing-room-only crowd of over 200 people. “We sang Jewish songs,” she said, “but at the end we sang an Abba favorite, ‘Mamma Mia.’ ”




If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com




Chetnik Family Reunion Banner designed by Milan Kecman.

Chetnik Family Reunion 2015 Chairperson
May 21, 2015

Good morning my Chetnik Family!!!! We are less than four months away from the Second Annual Chetnik Family Reunion on September 19th. The reunion committee has been working on putting together a wonderful day for you all and we look forward to welcoming you to our church for this special event. In the next couple of weeks, I will be posting information about the day and the accommodations.

I will need to understand the approximate number of attendees in the next few months and would like a point of contact for each of our communities to help with this task. If you would like to volunteer to be a point of contact please contact me either through Facebook, Email (chetnik.reunion@gmail.com) or by phone (216-299-0029).

Also, this invitation allows those that have been invited to invite others. Please feel free to invite people that you think may be interested in attending this event. We are trying to get the word out to as many people as possible so that we can build on the success of last year's reunion.

Lastly, I have been asked to provide information for sending donations. If you would like to donate, please make the check out to: Alexandra Mandic and send it to 13273 Spruce Run Drive, Apt. 208, North Royalton, Ohio 44133.

God bless all of you and I look forward to seeing you in September.

Alexandra Mandic
Chetnik Reunion Chairperson 2015
May 21, 2015

on Facebook.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Urging Justice for General Mihailovich - A Halyard Mission daughter invokes the memory of her father, U.S. WWII Airman Curtis "Bud" Diles in letter to Belgrade / By Diane Diles Hammond May 2015

Aleksandra's Note: On this Memorial Day 2015, I wanted to share a special letter.Just days prior to perhaps the most important judicial event in the very long process of the Rehabilitation of General Draza Mihailovich in Belgrade, Serbia, an American daughter of U.S. Air Force WWII veteran Curtis "Bud" Diles was asked to write a letter urging that the High Court in Belgrade issue a favorable ruling overturning the 1946 criminal conviction of General Mihailovich.

Diane Diles Hammond gladly complied with the request with the following appeal dated May 12, 2015 that was sent to Belgrade, and her hopes and prayers, like those of so many of us, were finally answered on May 14, 2015.

Her father would have been so proud.

Aleksandra Rebic


From Diane Diles Hammond
May 12, 2015

On September 22, 2014, the 70th anniversary of the great Halyard Mission Rescue Operation was celebrated in Serbia.  My father, WWII veteran SSgt Curtis Diles Jr, was one of the “Forgotten 500” American Airmen, rescued in 1944.  At 89 years old, he’d become a frail, old man, yet his voice bolstered and his face lit up as he spoke about General Draza Mihailovich and the Serbian Chetniks, as he so often did during the 70 years after the war ended.   He’d planned on writing a speech to be read at the Halyard Mission celebration.  By then, he was an expert, having written hundreds of letters over the years to senators, congressmen, the media… anyone that would listen, in the hopes that one of them could help vindicate Draza Mihailovich and right America’s wrong to Mihailovich and the Serbian Chetniks.

On September 5th, 2014, dad fell ill.  As the ambulance was on its way, he lay weak and nearly motionless in bed.  In an attempt to rouse him, I knew there was only one subject that would get him charged….  Serbia.  I said “Dad, you have to get well.  You have to write your speech for the Halyard Mission celebration that takes place in two weeks.”  He opened his eyes and muttered “You can speak for me”.  Dad died on September 10, 2014.  I lost a great father, a hero of a man.  Serbia lost its staunchest American supporter.

How can I capture in one letter what my dad has been “preaching” for 70 years?  “Serbia” was probably one of my first words.  As a child, I probably could have told you more about General Mihailovich than the current president of the United States.  To his dying day, no matter the subject, somehow dad always had a way of turning it into a pro-Serbia story.  How can one ever repay the debt of having their life saved?  It can’t be repaid, but dad vehemently tried.  He made sure his children, family members, coworkers, medical personnel, waiters, store clerks, and even pizza delivery guys knew the truth about what happened in WWII.  We knew it was dad’s mission in life to clear Mihailovich’s name.  Dad cheated death on numerous occasions, and we always felt that fighting for the Serbian truth gave him the will to live.

The torch has been passed, and I am now my father’s voice.  I can only pray that God gives me the words that dad would speak right now.  If he could somehow hear on May 14ththat Mihailovich had been rehabilitated, I’m sure he would dance in heaven.

On September 8, 1944, dad’s 17thmission was to bomb a bridge crossing the Danube River in Belgrade, Yugoslavia.  Their B24 was shot down, and he and the other eight crew members had to bail out.  He was sure death awaited him.  They were warned by officials that if they landed in enemy territory, their ears would be cut off.

The next paragraphs are excerpts taken directly from dad’s diary, as my words will fall short in describing what followed:

September 8, 1944:

“Fortunately, I had landed in a cornfield, somewhat obscured from aerial observation.  A German “JU-87” observation ship was soon overhead, seeking our location.  Before I could remove my chute and harness, a group of local natives approached.  I was not sure whether they were friend or foe and was not sure how to react.  Soon, they were able to recognize me as an American Airman, and instantly I became a hero.  I was greeted with hugs and kisses, from both young and old.  It was soon established that these citizens of Yugoslavia were of Serbian decent, and their soldiers were “Chetniks”, under the command of General Draja Mihailovich.  All combat crews had been informed that Yugoslavia was involved in an internal struggle for political supremacy, which included the Croatians, the Partisans under the command of Marshal Tito, along with the Serbian military.  Each of these parties claimed to be anti-Nazi, but each also claimed the other to be pro-Nazi.  We were cautioned to attempt identity of our hosts before making any commitment.  Any doubts we may have had about the Serbians loyalty were soon laid to rest.  We were treated as royalty.  We were provided with the best of food, the best of accommodations, along with a military force to protect us from a threat from any direction.”



Western Union telegram Sept. 22, 1944 notifying family
that Curtis Diles was missing in action

September 9, 1944:
“In the following days, we ate chicken for some twenty meals, of thirty.  We were offered “ROCKEA” [Rakiya], a Serbian plum brandy, before and after every meal, along with various French wines, which the Chetnik soldiers had confiscated from the Germans”.
September 11, 1944:
“As we were being served our evening meal, about 22:00 hours, a Serbian Chetnik soldier entered and announced, “We have some German captives outside we would like you to see”.  There were some 50 captives, ranging from age 15-60.  A young Chetnik said to me “Here is a knife.  You may kill one of them”.  Needless to say, I declined the offer.  We were told that two German Divisions had passed through the area last evening.  The policy has been, of necessity, “take no prisoners”.  All had been executed before dawn the following day.
September 14, 1944:
“We have traveled for six days, mostly on foot and by night to avoid German Patrols who were constantly “dogging” us.  We travelled backroads, fields, and wooded areas most of the time.  We also had to be wary of the Partisan forces, which also were seeking American Airmen for their own political gain.  I had the good fortune of meeting and talking with General Draza Mihailovich, commander of the Serbian forces at about 22:00 hours on this date.  My perception of the “General” was that of a man to be humble, honest, fair, and trustworthy.  He and his Serbian followers had been abandoned by the Allied Forces which supported Tito and his Communist regime.  The “General”, addressing some eighteen American Airmen, stated “We, the people of Serbia, wish to have a Democratic government much like that of the United States.  Once the America people learn the truth of our dilemma, they will come to our aid.”
Hidden and protected by Mihailovich and the Serbian Chetniks.
The arrow is pointing to Curtis Diles. 1944.
On September 17, 1944, dad and six of his other crew members were lifted to safety from a makeshift airstrip near Koceljevo.   He went on to fly 18 more missions, 35 in all.  He was discharged from the Army Air Force in October 1945.
When General Mihailovich was executed on July 17, 1946, the National Committee of American Airmen was not allowed to testify on his behalf.  If Mihailovich was a Nazi collaborator, those brief excerpts from my dad’s diary would have read much differently.  My dad spent his life spreading the truth… he would not have done this for a Nazi collaborator!  Over 70 years, dad’s story never changed…. Mihailovich and the Serbian Chetniks gave the Americans the best of everything they had….  The Chetniks would go hungry so the Americans could eat….  They gave them their beds….  THEY GAVE THEIR LIVES FOR THE AMERICANS.  Dad always said he had a personal war with his own country after WWII, defending Mihailovich and Serbia.  Mihailovich was certain that “When the Americans knew the truth, they would come to their aid”.
The rest is history.
While on my deathbed, I pray I don’t have to mutter to my children “You can speak for me”.    But I can assure you… my children, my grandchildren, and all future generations will know the truth.  General Draza Mihailovich was an AMERICAN ALLY that saved hundreds of American lives.  He dreamed and fought for a Serbian democracy.  For that reason only, he was executed.  He was not a Nazi collaboratorany more than my father and the American Airmen were.   We were partners fighting the same enemy… the German Nazis.   America let this great man down.  We betrayed him.  He was not a fascist, as he fought for the same righteous values that the Americans fought for.  He saved our Airmen (The Forgotten 500), and my father spent 70 years of his life trying to help vindicate General Draza Mihailovich… our American friend and hero.  In 1948, U.S. President Harry Truman posthumously bestowed the Legion of Merit upon General Mihailovich in acknowledgment of and appreciation for “organizing and leading important resistance forces against the enemy”, yet meanwhile, he is still not rehabilitated in the country he fought for.
The time for rehabilitation is now.
Curtis Diles, and 26 Children, Grandchildren, and Great Grandchildren (2014)

We thank Draza Mihailovich for our lives…. a debt that can never be repaid.

Diane Diles-Hammond
May 12, 2015
Military marker on dad’s grave.
In 2004, he placed 500 flags in his front yard and proudly flew the Serbian flag with the American flag.
The sign reads:
“Each flag displayed here represents one of five-hundred (500) American Airmen who were “shot down” or forced to land (behind enemy lines) in German occupied Serbia during WWII.  Serbian villages rescued, protected, and cared for these Airmen while they were unable to care for themselves.
These five-hundred flags are in honor of the thousands of Serbians who gave their lives that 500 American Airmen might live.  We and our families will be forever grateful for their sacrifices.”
Here he is telling his grandchildren the Serbian story.
As it has for many years, the collage of Draza Mihailovich
continues to hang on his dining room wall today.

A page from his scrapbook.
His cap reads “Friend of Serbia”.
Curtis Diles 2014.
If  you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

Rehabilitacija, kolaboracija i nacionalna izdaja / "Politika" May 24, 2015

Dragomir Anđelković
May 24, 2015
Dragomir Anđelković
Politički analitičar i istoričar

Kada nacije ratuju pre svega se bore za teritorije. Njihov vitalni interes je oduvek bio da kontrolišu oblasti koje smatraju svojim, odnosno da učvrste jedinstvo raznih delova svog nacionalnog korpusa. Iz tog ugla valja se osvrnuti na Drugi svetski rat. Zašta se borila komunistička vrhuška na čelu sa Titom? To se vidi po rezultatima njihove pobede. Kada se radi o nacionalnim posledicama po Srbe to su: 1) stvaranje veštačkih nacija od delova srpskog naroda (Crnogorci, Muslimani); 2) prisilna asimilacija Srba katolika u Dalmaciji i Srba na severozapadu Makedonije; 3) nakaradno definisanje republičkih granica tako da su Hrvati dobili i ono što nije njihovo, a Srbi su izgubili mnogo toga što im istorijski i etnički pripada; 4) postepeno komadanje već osakaćene srpske republike putem sukcesivnog uvećavanja autonomije pokrajina stvorenih samo u Srbiji.

Tako je teritorija pod kontrolom Beograda do 70-ih godina prošlog veka svedena na tek malo veći prostor od onoga koji su Srbiji namenili nacisti. To je nama komunistička borba dala. Za razliku od njih, četnici Draže Mihailovića, uz sve mane koje su imali, borili su se za objedinjavanje gotovo svih srpskih zemalja u okvirima naše jedinstvene (kon)federalne jedinice – usled strašne greške iz 1918. – tada već neizbežne jugoslovenske države. Iz toga se vidi ko je sa stanovišta srpskih nacionalnih interesa izdajnik – Draža ili titoistička srpska garnitura. Naravno, ne sam Tito. Logično je da nam je on želeo dobro taman koliko i Pavelić. Krivi su Srbi koji su mu fanatično služili ili i dalje robuju zloduhu titoizma.

Sve to je mnogo važnije od pitanja kolaboracije, a kad smo već kod nje da vidimo da li su partizani sarađivali sa okupatorima? Nesumnjivo! Dovoljno je setiti se martovskih pregovora iz 1943. Nije se tu prevashodno radilo o razmeni zarobljenika već o iskazanoj spremnosti da se u slučaju iskrcavanja zapadnih saveznika bore protiv njih, odnosno o doživljavanju četnika, a ne okupatora, kao ključnog neprijatelja i o šurovanju sa drugima protiv prvih. Takvi postupci Tita i njegovih doglavnika izazvali su bes Kominterne, kojoj je u to vreme bilo važnije da se oslabi nacistički pritisak na SSSR nego da se inostranim štićenicima trasira put ka vlasti. Njen Izvršni komitet je „jugoslovenskim drugovima“ poručio da je iritiran navedenim postupcima. Doduše, pragmatična Kominterna nije bila ljuta dok je KPJ ozbiljno podrivala odbrambene napore Jugoslavije napadnute od nacista. Komunisti tada nisu bili antifašisti. Posle potpisivanja pakta između SSSR i Nemačke među njima i nacistima neko vreme je „cvetala ljubav“. Posle okupacije čak su se i družili – da se samo podsetimo komunističko-nemačkih fudbalskih nadmetanja u Čačku. Stvari su se promenile s napadom na SSSR. U to vreme ravnogorci su se već suprotstavljali okupatorima.

Proizilazi li iz toga da partizani nisu bili antifašisti? Ne! Nesumnjivo je da su dali doprinos pobedi nad silama osovine. Isto važi i za četnike Draže Mihailovića, kao i to da su i oni imali svoje kolaboracionističke epizode (mada su one mnogo manje nego što je komunistička propaganda tvrdila). No, to ne znači da se ne radi o antifašističkom, oslobodilačkom pokretu. Saradnja sa okupatorom nije smak sveta ako nema strateški karakter, odnosno u funkciji je očuvanja biološke supstance naroda, snaga za otpor u pogodnijem momentu i realizacije vitalnih nacionalnih težnji u završnoj fazi rata.

Problem je što je partizanski vrh kolaborirao iz svojih ideoloških, antisrpskih pobuda, dok je ravnogorsko vođstvo to činilo kako bi izbeglo prekomerna srpska stradanja. Uostalom, i da titoisti kojim slučajem nisu kolaborirali šta to nama znači kada su se u vezi sa srpskim interesima postavljali slično kao i nacisti? Zato rehabilitacija Draže ima mnogo veći simbolički značaj od individualnog čina. To je institucionalizovana rehabilitacija prava srpskog naroda da se bori za svoje interese umesto da je osuđen da ih i za račun neprijatelja mazohistički gazi. Ne čudi me što se Hrvati i njihovi lobisti u Srbiji zbog toga bune, a zgranut sam da to ne vide oni koji se danas izdaju za srpske rodoljube, a imaju naglašene simpatije prema partizanima. Kad smo kod njih, želim da istaknem da su većinom bili časni srpski borci koji su ratovali za slobodu a ne protiv svog naroda. Druga stvar je što su ih titoisti izmanipulisali! Ipak, to nije razlog da ne budemo ponosni što smo imali dva antifašistička pokreta dok se većina naroda u našem okruženju borila na strani nacističke Nemačke.

Politički analitičar i istoričar

Dragomir Anđelković
Objavljeno: 24.05.2015.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com




Ada Ciganlija, Belgrade / Beta Archive

"Петиција за проналажење посмртних остатака Ђенерала Драгољуба Михаиловића и проналажење посмртних остатака свих жртава комунистичког режима након 12.септембра 1944 на територији Републике Србије,обележавање гроба Драгољуба Михаиловића и свих гробница,у сваком граду,којих по досадашњим званичним истраживањима Комисије има 215.Потписници петиције захтевају да се по хитном поступку обелодане документа Озне и Удбе о свим стратиштима и масовним стрељанима након 12.септембра 1944."




May 26, 2015

БЕОГРАД, 26. МАЈА /СРНА/ - Равногорски покрет - регион Београд покренуо је петицију за проналажење посмртних остатака ђенерала Драгољуба Драже Михаиловића и свих жртава комунистичког режима на територији Србије, након 12. септембра 1944. године.

Петиција обухвата и захтјев за обиљежавање гроба Драже Михаиловића и свих гробница у сваком граду, којих по досадашњим званичним истраживањима има 215.

Потписници петиције захтијевају да се по хитном поступку објелодане документа некадашње комунистичких тајних полиција ОЗНА и УДБА о свим стратиштима и масовним стријељанима након 12. септембра 1944. године.

Петиција се може потписати на на линку


Виши суд у Београду рехабилитовао је 14. маја команданта Краљевске војске у отаџбини ђенерала Драгољуба Дражу Михаиловића и вратио му грађанска права која су му била одузета у процесу комунистичког режима 1946. године.

Суд је усвојио захтјев за рехабилитацију и поништио пресуду којом је Михаиловић 15. јула 1946. године био осуђен на смрт, а два дана касније стријељан и утврдио да је ранија пресуда донесена у незаконитом процесу из политичких и идеолошких разлога.

Михаиловић на пресуду није имао ни право да уложи жалбу, већ је два дана од изрицања стријељан у тајности.

Посебна Комисија утврђује тачну локацију на којој је стријељан, јер се претпоставља да су његови посмртни остаци пребачени на другу локацију, која још није позната.

У недостатку других доказа о Михаиловићевој смрти, рјешењем Првог основног суда у Београду 2013. године као датум смрти Михаиловића утврђен је 17. јул 1946. године, пошто је суд утврдио да је тог датума стријељан.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


VIDEO / Rusofil, ravnogorac i Krležin kum - Svi paradoksi Dragiše Vasića / "RTS Oko - Zvanični kanal" May 25, 2015


Dragiša Vasić (drugi s desna) sa Dražom / Wikipedia

Rusofil, ravnogorac i Krležin kum
Posted on You Tube by "RTS Oko - Zvanični kanal"
Published on May 25, 2015
Svi paradoksi Dragiše Vasića

Učesnik svih ratova svog vremena i pisac antiratnih romana, advokat koji je branio komuniste u vreme kralja Aleksandra, kum Miroslava Krleže, akademik, ubeđeni republikanac i ideolog pokreta čiji je slogan bio "S verom u boga za kralja i otadžbinu". Sovjetski obaveštajac, kako su govorili ideološki protivnici, ili samo ubeđeni rusofil među četnicima? Čovek koji je bio prisutan na oba susreta Draže i Tita.

Sve to je bio Dragiša Vasić, velika enigma i čovek kontrasta, koji je sa ovog sveta otišao pre 70 godina, ali se pouzdano ne zna ni ko ga je ubio, ni gde mu je grob.

Dragiša Vasić pisao je i knjigu o ravnogorskom pokretu, kao i pisma Draži Mihailoviću, u kojima, neki veruju, ima dosta kritike načina na koju je ratovala Dražina vojska. Možda bi knjiga i pisma bila važan dokument za istoriografiju, međutim ni knjige, ni pisma danas nema. Prema nekim tumačenjima, pisma su završila kod bivšeg Vasićevog kuma Krleže, koji na godišnjicu ustanka 1961. posetio i rodnu kuću Vasića u Gornjem Milanovcu.

Kada su se posvađali Vasić i Krleža, kako je Vasić postao Čiča broj 2, da li je menjao ideologiju ili su se samo menjala vremena i kako ćemo pamtiti Dragišu Vasića?
Autor: Stevan Kostić
Label and copyright: RTS



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


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