Channel: General Draža Mihailovich
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филм „За краља и отаџбину“ - Краљевски пар на премијери филма у Сава центру у Београду / Film “For King and Country” - Serbian Royal Couple attend film premiere at the Sava Centre in Belgrade / March 23, 2015


March 24, 2015

Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина присуствовала су синоћпремијери филма „За краља и отаџбину“ аутора Радоша Бајића приказаног у препуној великој дворани Сава центра у Београду.

Његово Краљевско Височанство Престолонаследник Александар је одликовао аутора Радоша Бајића Орденом Круне III реда, за заслуге за Краљевски Дом, за народно и опште добро.

У свом обраћању, Престолонаследник Александар је истакао:

„Веома сам срећан и поносан што је премијера филма „За краља и отаџбину“ изазвала оволику пажњу јавности. Историју нико не може да избрише, и она увек све догађаје и све личности постави на право место. Желим да се посебно захвалим аутору филма господину Радошу Бајићу на његовом изузетном уметничком делу. Сигуран сам да ће овај филм значајно допринети даљем расветљавању новије српске историје. Зато сам одлучио да господину Радошу Бајићу доделим Орден Круне! Молимо се за све који су изгубили своје животе на свим странама!“

Престолонаследник је женским члановима екипе поклонио цвеће, што је изазвало громогласан аплауз.

Радош Бајић се срдачно захвалио
Престолонаследнику на указаној части.

Филм „За краља и отаџбину“ носи снажну антиратну и хуману поруку. Посвећен је свим родољубима и патриотама који су 1941. године бранили своју земљу и одаје почаст најбољим слободарским традицијама и тежњама српског народа, ма како он у Другом светском рату био организован.



Serbian Royal Couple at the Film premiere of “For King and Country” at the Sava Centre in Belgrade

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine attended last night the premiere of “For King and Country” by author Rados Bajic at the great hall of Sava Centre in Belgrade, in front of a huge audience.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander decorated Mr Rados Bajic, the author of the film “For King and Country” with the Order of the Crown 3rd Class for the merits for the Royal House, the country, and the common good.
In his address, Crown Prince Alexander emphasized:
“I am very happy and proud that the premiere of the film “For King and country” has drawn such great interest of the public. No one can erase history, and history always puts all events and all figures in the right place. I wish to especially thank Mr Rados Bajic for his exceptional production. I am sure this film will significantly contribute to the clarification of recent history of Serbia. That is why I have decided to award the Order of the Crown to Mr. Rados Bajic! Finally, let us pray for all those who lost their lives on all sides!”
Crown Prince presented flowers to female members of the film crew, and was awarded with a huge applause from the audience.
Rados Bajic sincerely thanked the Crown Prince for a great honour.

Film “For King and Country” conveys a profound anti-war and humane message. It is dedicated to all patriots who defended their country in 1941, and pays respect to highest freedom seeking aspirations of Serbian people, no matter who took part during World War Two.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at



"Klub Monarhista"
March 23, 2015

Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина били су домаћини отварања изложбе„Генерал Михаиловић – први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“данас у Белом Двору у Београду. Свечани пријем у Белом Двору приређен је у част премијере филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“ аутора Радоша Бајића.

Поздрављајући госте, Њ.К.В. Престолонаследник Александар је истакао:

„Мојој супрузи и мени велико је задовољство да вам пожелимо добродошлицу вечерас, на отварању изложбе „Генерал Михаиловић – први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“, аутора Душана Бабца, члана Крунског већа. Вечерас ћемо сви заједно у Сава Центру присуствовати премијери филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“.  Желим да се посебно захвалим аутору филма господину Радошу Бајићу, на његовом изузетном уметничком делу. Сигуран сам да ће овај филм значајно допринети даљем расветљавању улоге генерала Михаиловића и југословенске војске у отаџбини у српској историји. Априла хиљаду деветсто четрдесет прве, заједно са неколико стотина официра и војника, пуковник Михаиловић створио је први покрет отпора у Другом светском рату, не само у Југославији него и у целој Европи. Као што је био први који је пружио отпор нацистичкој окупацији, генерал Михаиловић био је и први који се супротставио бруталној послератној комунистичкој диктатури. Процес његове судске рехабилитације започео је две хиљаде шесте године и ја се искрено надам да ће у што скорије време бити окончан. Национално помирење може да почива само на истини, исправљању неправди и праштању. Нашој земљи је неопходно више јединства, правде и правичности за све. Молимо се за све који су изгубили своје животе на свим странама!“, истакао је Престолонаследник.

Обраћајући се присутнима, аутор филма „За Краља и Отаџбину“ г-дин Радош Бајић је истакао:

„На крају тешког и трновитог пута на којем сам се ваљда Божијом вољом нашао – после десет епизода ТВ Серије „Равна Гора“, којој су тек што је узлетела сасечена крила – филмом „За Краља и Отаџбину“ опраштам се од теме која је више од седам деценија била забрањена, скрајнута и затрпана лажима, једноумљем и бешчашћем. Опраштам се, а тек смо почели. Када Вас вечерас видим, у оволиком броју, са срцима за истину и за правду – не жалим што сам почињао“- истакао је г-дин Бајић.

Специјалну част својим присуством на отварању указао је Њ.Е. г-дин Хајнц Вилхелм, амбасадор Савезне Републике Немачке у Србији.

Њихова Краљевска Височанства Престолонаследник Александар и Принцеза Катарина присуствоваће вечерас од 20:30 часова премијери филма „За Краља и отаџбину“ у београдском Сава центру.

По завршеној пројекцији, присутнима ће се обратити Његово Краљевско Височанство Престолонаследник Александар који ће одликовати г-дина Радоша Бајића, аутора филма „За Краља и отаџбину“ Орденом Круне III реда, за заслуге за Краљевски Дом, за народно и опште добро.

Изложба „Генерал Михаиловић – Први борац за слободу у окупираној Европи“ биће отворена сваког радног дана до 3. априла 2015. године. Сви грађани који су заинтересовани да посете ову интересантну изложбу, могу то да учине у оквиру групних обилазака, у термину од 10:00 часова уз обавезну најаву на телефон: 011 306 4000 или путем е-поште на kancelarija@dvor.rs

ФондКраљевски Двор жели да се захвали Архиву Југославије, Архиву САНУ, амбасади Републике Француске у Србији, амбасади Сједињених Америчких Држава у Србији, члановима Крунског савета академику Матији Бећковићу и г-дину Слободану Марковићу, г-дину Милославу Самарџићу, г-дину Бранку Јевтићу, г-дину Александру Чолићу, и г-ђи Александри Ребић и г-дину Бранку Петровићу из Сједињених Америчких Држава на несебичној помоћи и доприносу у припреми изложбе.





Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine hosted the opening of the exhibition “General Mihailovic – the First Freedom Fighter in Occupied Europe” at the WhitePalace in Belgrade tonight. The reception at the WhitePalace was prepared in honour of the premiere of the film “For King and the Country” by Rados Bajic.

Welcoming the guests, HRH Prince Alexander said:

“It is a great pleasure for my wife and me to welcome you this evening at the opening of the exhibition “General Mihailovic – the first freedom fighter in occupied Europe“, set by Mr Dusan Babac, the member of the Privy Council.  The opening of this exhibition coincides with the premiere of the film “For King and Country” and I wish to especially thank Mr Rados Bajic for his exceptional work of art. In April 1941, Colonel Mihailovic, with several hundred officers and men, created the first resistance movement in the Second World War, not only of Yugoslavia, but of all Europe. Just as he was the first to resist German occupation, General Mihailovic was the first to fight against the brutal communist dictatorship. The process of his legal rehabilitation began in 2006 and I sincerely hope it is going to be finalized very soon. National reconciliation may rest only on truth, correction of injustice and forgiving. Historic processes and persons are examined for many years and certainly “generations judge deeds”. Our country needs more unity, fairness and justice for all. Let us pray for all those who lost their lives on all sides!” said the Crown Prince.

Addressing the audience, the author of “For King and Country” Mr Rados Bajic said:

“At the end of the hard and thorny road on which I found myself, I guess by the will of God – after a ten-episodes of the TV series “Ravna Gora”, whose wings were cut short just as it lifted off – the film “For King and Country” is my farewell to the theme which for more than seven decades was forbidden, marginalized and buried in lies, single-mindedness and dishonour. I am saying goodbye, although we’ve only just begun. When I see you tonight, in such great numbers, with hearts open for truth and justice – I do not regret what I started” – said Mr Bajic.

The special honour to the opening of this exhibition was the attendance of HE Mr Heinz Wilhelm, ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Serbia.

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine will attend tonight at 8:30 pm the premiere of “For King and Country” at the Sava Centre in Belgrade.

After the projection, the audience will be addressed by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander, who will award Mr Rados Bajic, the author of the film “For King and Country” the Order of the Crown 3rd Class for the merits for the Royal House, the country, and the common good.

The exhibition “General Mihailovic – The First Freedom Fighter in Occupied Europe” will be open every day until 3 April 2015. All citizens who are interested to visit this interesting exhibition, may do so group tours, from 10:00 am with a mandatory notification by phone: 011 306 4000 or via e-mail kancelarija@dvor.rs

The Royal Palace Fund would like to thank the Yugoslav Archives, the Archives of SASA, the Embassy of France in Serbia, the US Embassy in Serbia, members of the Crown Council academician Matija Beckovic and Mr Slobodan Markovic, Mr Miloslav Samardzic, Mr Branko Jevtic , Mr Aleksandar Colic, Ms Aleksandra Rebic and Mr Branko Petrovic from the United States for their generous assistance and contributions to the exhibition.




If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com




Posted on You Tube by "Art Vista"
Published on March 13, 2015

"Za kralja i otadžbinu" je dirljiva priča koja prati sudbinu starog srpskog ratnika Milisava Janjića, bivšeg kaplara, koji se tokom Drugog svetskog rata borio protiv nemačkog okupatora kao pripadnik Ravnogorskog pokreta i posilni pukovnika Dragoljuba Draže Mihailovića. Kroz vešto preplitanje njegovih uspomena i sećanja na prošlost i ratna dešavanja u proleće 1941. godine, sa savremenim trenucima, autor pripoveda o napadu fašističke Nemačke, Aprilskom ratu i slomu Kraljevine Jugoslavije, o nedaći koja je zadesila srpski narod, gubitku slobode, pojavi oslobodilačkih pokreta u Srbiji i o jednom srpskom vojniku, koji se posle 65 godina izgnanstva u Americi, vraća u otadžbinu.

Film nosi snažnu antiratnu i humanu poruku. Posvećen je svim rodoljubima i patriotama koji su 1941. godine branili svoju zemlju i odaje počast najboljim slobodarskim tradicijama i težnjama srpskog naroda, ma kako on u Drugom svetskom ratu bio organizovan.

Režiser i scenarista: Radoš Bajić
Direktor fotografije: Predrag Jočić
Montažer: Stevan Marić
Scenograf: Dragan Mićanović
Kostimograf: Vesna Teodosić
Masker: Dušica Vuksanović i Aleksandar Rasinac
Snimatelj zvuka: Darko Glišić i Vladica Budić
Dizajner zvuka: Igor Perović
Muzika: HIBOU
Distribucija- ART VISTA DOO
Marko Nikolić, Neda Arnerić, Nebojša Glogovac, Nenad Okanović, Ivana Adžić, Maša Lazarević, Slobodan Ninković, Ljiljana Stjepanović, Lazar Ristovski, Nenad Jezdić, Ivan Vučković, Aleksandar Đurica, Nedeljko Bajić, Miloš Timotijević i mnogi drugi.




If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


“CHETNIKS” by Jozo Tomasevich: The Fallacy that Endures - Part One / By Miloslav Samardžić

The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in World War II
CHETNIKS” by Jozo Tomasevich: The Fallacy that Endures - Part One
By Miloslav Samardzic
March 17, 2015

According to the author in his own work, German documents should take precedence. However, a result of counting the reference footnotes reveals a surprise; they refer to the following sources: 68 attributed to Communist sources, and 64 to German…

The reviews concerning Joze Tomašević’s book on the Yugoslav Army in the Second World War, known as the Chetniks, are equal to the tone of the book itself, as the inaccuracies on each and every page require rebuttal. Yet, even after four decades it is amongst the most cited sources in this field. A browser request for information about the Chetniks, General Draza Mihailovic and his commanders, results in the first hit :  Wikipedia – English, Serbian or Croatian – and in the footnotes citations to Tomašević’s ‘Chetniks’ dominate. However, if we examine the bibliographies of foreign historical works, we will again encounter Tomašević’s book, that is the first American edition of 1975. The reason for this is certainly that in the English language there is no other book of the same or similar name, historians around the world are dutifully required to work with native authors from countries of which they write, but due to language and financial barriers they do not examine actual archives.

Joze Tomašević’s book gained fame in socialist Yugoslavia, as soon as it was translated and published in 1979. Moreover, today is cited as an example of ‘objectivity’ according to official historians in Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo and other centers of the post-Yugoslav state.

In 1979, communist dictator Josip Broz Tito had been in power for three and a half decades and restrictive laws reigned. Freedom of speech, opinion and expression did not exist. Harsh prison sentences were imposed in particular for challenging the ‘achievements of the revolution’. The only historical perspectives allowed were those announced by the Communist Party and its leader. With regard to the Second World War, history as a science did not exist, it was the task of the persons called ‘historians’ to develop a thesis that Josip Broz Tito and other Communists declared at party congresses.

These facts suggests that Tomašević’s book ‘followed the party line’ raising the question of how and why was it published in Yugoslavia, given that the author had emigrated from his native Croatia in the 1930’s. He lived in America, where he worked as a clerk and a university lecturer until his retirement in 1973.

The first link in the chain was certainly the support of Croatian immigrants in America to Yugoslav communists during WWII. These Croats were shocked when the ” Independent State of Croatia ” became a favorite of Hitler in the Balkans and when he declared war on the United States. Particularly as in 1942, the whole world had learnt of the guerrilla uprising against the Germans in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, by the Serbs under the leadership of General Draza Mihailovich. Croatian immigrants in the U.S.A expected that their fatherland and countrymen would be punished after the war for their collaboration with Hitler and the genocide against the Serbs, Jews and Roma.

However, in 1943 came the news that in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, there was another guerilla, a communist, led by a Croat: Josip Broz Tito, whose ultimate goal was anti-Serb. American Croats, among them Jozo Tomašević, did not hesitate to support the Communists as a good choice for them. They were assured in 1944, when under pressure from Great Britain,  the Yugoslav government then in London was dissolved, and the then Serbian Prime Minister Bozidar Puric were replaced by the Provisional Yugoslav government led by Croatian emigrant Dr. Ivan Šubašić. It was tasked to reach agreement with their compatriot Tito, primarily about the liquidation of Serbian Karadjordjevich dynasty and General Mihailovich. Šubašić and Tito acted accordingly, and Yugoslavia was re-constituted, with the Socialist Republic of Croatia emerging 10 percent larger than the two pre-war Croatian provinces, by contrast the Socialist Republic of Serbia became about 50 percent smaller than six pre-war Serbian provinces.

No wonder after retirement Jozo Tomašević started to co-operate with the Yugoslav communists, especially with one of Tito’s former partisans, Colonel Vojmir Klajkovich the then Assistant Director of Military History Institute in Belgrade – the main institution for the fabrication of history, and with Dr. Jovan Marjanovich, one of the leading official ‘historians’. Kljaković and Marjanovich sent Tomašević references and copies of selected documents; they acted as reviewers and guided the work.

From Tomaševic’s notes in the bibliography we can conclude that the aim of the co-operation was annulling a 1969 book published in London by professor of history at the University of British Columbia, Dr Ivan Avakumović, whose premise was that German documents verified ” Mihailovich as their main enemy in Yugoslavia ”.  This book was printed in Serbian, but the communists feared that it would be translated and published in English. In the US National Archives, Avakumović studied seized Wehrmacht documents and conveyed their essence: the main enemy of the Germans in the Balkans were the Chetniks under the command of General Mihailovich, while the Partisans were a terrorist formation of the Communist Party, which used the war in the struggle for power who allied even with convicts who escaped in the chaos of war.

Tomašević erroneously emphasizes that his ‘most important sources were seized German and Italian war documents available at the National Archives of the United States’, giving an impression that his primary material is German. He then states that he used American and British documents as well as ” a series of Chetnik documents ”, obtained from the Military History Institute in Belgrade. Finally, under ‘published materials’, he ‘cites’ around 500 books and other works from various sources.

Clearly, it was an obvious ambition of Tomašević not only to deny, but to overcome Avakumović’s objective work, devoted to only the question of how the Germans saw the Chetniks, and in so doing providing a German perspective of the communists.

A Critique of Tomaševič’s book should start with the key question: does it study the Chetnik movement following the principle of referencing actual source documents of German origin, in association with American and British sources and their own (Chetnik) documents, and many other published sources.

To examine this issue, we must look in detail at chapters: 7, 9 and 11: ‘Chetniks and foreign enemy,’ ‘The collapse of Italy and the Battle for Serbia’ ‘and’ ‘The loss of bases in Serbia’. They are of critical importance, because the first six chapters relate to the pre-war situation, the war during April 1941 and other general questions, the eighth chapter is dedicated to politics, the tenth to relations with the Allies, and the final 12th chapter deals with the post war period.

In the seventh chapter on pages 180-232, in the Croatian edition there are 184 referenced footnotes. According to the author’s premise that: German documents should take precedence, followed by documents from Italian, American, British and Chetnik sources. However, counting the sources reveals a surprise, the footnotes refer to the following sources: 68 from Communist sources, 64 from German, 25 from Italian, and 8 from Serbian expatriates, 6 primary Chetnik documents and 2 from a book on Nedić. The remaining footnotes are the author’s own comments.

In chapter 9, pages 283-320 have 111 footnotes, 85 are of German origin, 12 from communist sources, 5 British, 4 from Serbian expatriates and one attributed to a supporter of Ljotić. There are no references to American and Chetnik documents.

In chapter 11, pages 353-379 have 99 footnotes, 39 from Communist sources, 33 German, 19 from Serbian emigres, 2 from British sources, one American and one from a supporter of Ljotić. Again there is not a single source from primary Chetnik documents.

Thus, in two of the key three chapters the most numerous sources are communist. In all three key chapters only six footnotes refer to primary Chetnik documents, which means that the Chetniks were described from the perspective of their enemies the communists! – who are referenced in more than 90 percent of the footnotes. Such a choice is, of course, the right of the author. But we may conclude from examination that the affirmation of an objective approach is merely a masquerade. Communist sources predominate in two of the three key chapters, the author does not mention this fact in his introductory notes regarding his bibliography.

The conspicuous absence of US documents is explained by Jozo Tomašević that in terms of his own personal assessment, even though American intelligence officers were on the ground among the Chetniks, they ” did not know ” what was happening. He makes a similar comment as regards British officers, despite the fact that:

”They did not have documented evidence of Chetnik collaboration with the Germans”.

Specifically, Chetnik units during the war assisted around 1,000 Allied officers, NCOs and soldiers. Some were intelligence officers, others were combatants fighting alongside the Chetniks. Chetniks also helped third parties escape from Axis forces, rescued downed Allied pilots from capture, etc. In excess of 1,000 Allied witnesses corroborated that the Chetniks were part of the Allied fight against Axis forces. But the substance of Tomašević’s work is based on communist propaganda against the Chetniks. It is this propaganda that Tomašević references and leads him to comment that the: Americans and the British ” did not know ” and “did not have evidence “ that the Chetniks were fighting against Axis forces.

Tomašević does not explain the lack of use of actual Chetnik wartime documents. However, given the book is titled ‘Chetniks’, surely it should contain a significant proportion of their documents, especially as in the Archives of the Military History Institute in Belgrade (today: Military Archive) there are approximately a million pages of original primary Chetnik documents. In Tomašević’s book they constitute only around one percent of the reference material. In terms of Western standards of academic rigor it is very unusual. By contrast would a book concerning the American or British armies attribute one percent of its reference sources to US / British documents? However, in communist propaganda that type of bias is commonplace.

This criticism cannot be leveled against Avakumović’s work, as it was referenced as the title suggests: ‘Mihailovic according to German documents’ on actual German documents. Tomašević decided to write a general ‘ final history ‘ of the Chetnik movement, as announced by his American book publisher. Colonel Kljaković, Tomašević’s reviewer explicitly instructed that ” Tomašević must not omit one component of the Chetnik phenomenon ”, so that future works ” could not find new factors of significance ”.

The main tone of the book is given over to communist sources, and these sources are limited and biased by adherence to communist ideology. Some of the books referred to in Tomašević’s footnotes formed the basis of propaganda in Tito’s Yugoslavia: ” War of Liberation ”, ” Tito – Military Achievements ”, ” Neretva – Compilation of Works ”, ” Documents of betrayal Draza Mihailovich ”, ” The trial of members of the organization’s management of Draza Mihailovich ”, and so on. Some were less well known, ” Dalmacija 1942 ” (published in Zagreb in 1959), ‘The emergence and development of the Chetnik movement in Croatia’ ‘(Belgrade 1962),’ International Relations in Yugoslavia during World War II ” (Belgrade, 1962 ), and so on. Utilising these biased sources Tomašević does not acknowledge the fact that socialist systems worldwide:- from Cuba, through Yugoslavia, to North Korea – systematically utilize invented events to bolster their regimes. Moreover, he repeatedly the inevitable praises the ‘great leader’ Tito, with numerous negative remarks in respect of his main opponent: Gen. Draza Mihailovich. Likewise, he uncritically utilized falsified documents created for the purpose of post-war show trials of Mihailovich, his soldiers and supporters.

Criticism of the aforementioned communist books is superfluous, at this point, however, it remains to be seen how Tomašević used German documents, on which almost half of his work was purportedly based.

The first test for this requires examination of orders and reports from the German commander of south-east Yugoslavia in 1942 and 1943. Namely General Ler, in 1942 he recorded that ” the most dangerous opponent was Mihailovich ”. Whilst for his successor, Field Marshal Vajks, the most dangerous opponent in 1943 he declared to be Tito. At that time, November 1943, Mihailovich also declared the communists to be the primary enemy and the Germans secondary. Danger from communist forces increased due to huge deliveries of weapons from the Allies to the communists, which they used primarily to attack the Chetniks rather than the Germans.

Thus, the test of objective use of German references is simple: Do we find equally in Tomašević’s work the assessments of Ler and Vajks?

The reviewer, Dr. Jovan Marjanovich, failed this test, by not citing the words of General Ler in his book: ” Draza Mihailovich between the British and the Germans ” (although he cites other less important parts of the document).

Tomašević’s work clearly fails this test of objectivity.

End of part one.

Translated from the original Serbian by Mane Popovich.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Hеколико аутентичних редака о упозоравању и самом деловању генерала Недића пред сам рат и за време рата, које су се односиле на заштиту српскога народа. / Поводом годишњице Пуча 27. марта / А. Недић / "Видовдан" April 1, 2015

А. Недић
April 1, 2015

Поводом годишњице Пуча 27. марта и све учесталијих напада на личност и дело генерала Милана Недића, осећао сам потребу да напишем неколико аутентичних редака о упозоравању и самом деловању генерала Недића пред сам рат и за време рата, које су се односиле на заштиту српскога народа.

Милан Недић, у времену од 1. септембра 1941. године, па до 1. октобра 1944. године, у више махова обраћао се српском народу преко београдске радио станице и говорио на народним скуповима. Садржина тих Недићевих говора чини сјајан прилог за историју и расветљава многе догађаје. Од тих говора ја овде у целости преносим његов говор од 27. марта 1944. године:
“Браћо Срби и сестре Српкиње!
На предвечерју смо 27. марта, тужне трогодишњице нашег пропадања и сталног изумирања. 27. марта пре три године, појавио се највећи демон српског народа, његов гробар и његов најљући непријатељ – Душан Симовић. Он је једним безумним актом самовољно, збацио закониту власт са једном групом политичких малоумника официра и у року од десет дана упропастиоо једну велику државу, Југославију, од 275.500 км. Са 16,5 милиона становника.
Прогласио се претседником владе; преторијански, јаничарски, самозвано почео да кроји капу држави, коју су милиони њених градјана својим великим жртвама и крвљу створили.
Ко га на ово овласти? Краљ – не! Народ још мање. Шта је хтео овим чином? Да послужи своме народу – Боже сачувај! Него туђину: Енглезима, Американцима, Совјетима, сваком ђаволу само не Србији и Српству.
Цео је његов рад основан на лажи и превари: и пуч, и прокламовање пунолетства Краљевог, брига за монархију и Краља, за демократију и удружену опозицију. Све, све сама обмана. Он је не мислећи на последице увалио Југославију у рат, па побегао. Он генералисимус наше војске бегунац са бојног поља, оставио је војску и народ самом себи да сносе последице једног безумног подухвата, авантуристичког и неурачунљивог. Довео је земљу у рат, па побегао и он и влада. Њему је била преча жена, ташта, свастика, кћи и зет но судбина народа и државе. Пометао их је у државне авионе и одневши и народно злато, побегао право на меке душеке удобних лондонских хотела.
Тај гробар српског народа и Југославије после трогодишњег ћутања – повампирио се. Тога суманутог човека поново су извукли Енглези на трагичну позорницу судбине српског народа. Треба српски народ да да још милиона жртава. Што да се пролива фина енглеска крв, кад може српска сељачка. И зато су позвали старог плаћеника Душана Симовића, да им буде на помоћи.
Симовић се није питао ни 1941: шта ће бити од српског народа? Још ће мање данас када му је понестало благо. Његова луда политика прокоцкала је све: народ, државу, небројене жртве, велике материјалне и културне вредности. Он се не запита: Шта ћемо добити у накнаду за то?
Каква је то политика која од готовог прави вересију? Каква је политика која жртвује све, која баца у смрт милионе својих најбољих синова, да би повратила оно што смо већ имали и што нико није угрожавао?
Последица ове безумне политике данас сносимо сви ми, који смо остали на дому и она наша несрећна деца у заробљеништву.
Зашто? За кога толика крв? За чији рачун толике патње? За кога толике сузе мајки, удовица и сирочади? За кога толики гробови опојени и неопојени? ЗАР ЗА ЕНГЛЕЗЕ? ЗАР ЗА АМЕРИКАНЦЕ? ЗАР ЗА БЕЛОСВЕТСКЕ ЈЕВРЕЈЕ СТАЉИНОВЕ?!!!
Ето, браћо и сестре, те и такве благодети донео нам је Душан Симовић 27. марта 1941. године, он и његови пучисти.
Ми смо ту несрећу могли пребродити без жртава, или ако не сасвим без жртава, а оно са минималним.
Ми смо могли остати неутрални до данашњег дана, па да нас глава не заболи. Ја сам ово казао усмено и писмено меродавнима још 1940. године као министар војни у влади Цветковићевој. Улазак у рат сматрао сам као најгоре, најкобније решење: прорекао сам расуло Југославије и њену пропаст, а српски народ да ће платити цео цех ове ратне пустоловине.
Немачка је имала особитог интереса да Југославија буде и остане неутрална, јер је својом неутралношћу спречавала Англосаксонце да Балкан постане поприште рата.
Српски народ и Југославија ступањем у рат ризиковали су све да изгубе, а ништа да не добију. Ето, ту просту и јасну истину нису видели ни Душан Симовић ни наши политичари, који су само желели да се дочепају власти, па коштало шта коштало народ и државу.
Наш народ сам је прозрео сву ову перфидну енглеску политику, која га је увлачила у рат не за његове интересе, но за енглеске. Зато рат 1941. није ни личио на раније ратове. Зато ни српско оружје није дошло до изражаја и српски народ преварен и издан од својих водја, који га кукавички напустише, положио је оружје. ОН НИЈЕ ИМАО РАЗЛОГА ДА СЕ БОРИ СА НЕМАЧКОМ, КОЈА МУ ЈЕ БЕЧКИМ ПАКТОМ 25. МАРТА ТЕ ГОДИНЕ ДАЛА СВЕ ГАРАНЦИЈЕ ЗА ЊЕГОВ ОПСТАНАК, ЗА ЊЕГОВУ ТЕРИТОРИЈАЛНУ ЦЕЛОКУПНОСТ, ЗА ЊЕГОВУ СИГУРНУ БУДУЋНОСТ! Шта је Немачка тражила од Срба? Само да буду мирни, да гледају своја посла, да се не мешају у обрачуне великих сила, да буду неутрални. За такво наше држање нама је у овом страшном рату био обезбеђен миран живот, осигурана слобода, па чак нам је обећан и излаз на Бело море преко Солуна. Ово нам Енглези као Словенима никада не би дали, нити ће нам дати икад. Уз то била нам је пружена могућност да извозећи вишкове својих призвода и сировина, упознамо благостање какво српски народ никада раније није имао. Да смо сачували државу, да смо остали изван рата, данас би по своме политичком значају и економској снази другу песму певали.
Што се не угледасмо на Турску. Како је она и колико мудро поступила и свој народ спасла од ужаса рата за ове три године.
Зар смо ми морали први да улетимо у рат и без икаквих уговорених обавеза са ма ким, и то сами самцати, голи као прст, кад је стајало Немачкој на расположење незапослених 200 прворазредних победоносних дивизија, које су нас смлатиле за десет дана.
Ето то је висока политика великог мужа Душана Симовића и његове удружене опозиције. Али српски народ платио је и плаћа ову несрећну политику својих великих мужева својом кожом. Стотине хиљада Срба нема на овом белом свету, а пали су ради једног партиског погрешног рачуна, вођени једним демоном српског народа.
Енглеска политика и даље је остала перфидна према српском народу. Њој је српски народ служио за поткусуривање; кад није имала кога при руци да нахрани своје крвожедне савезнике бољшевике, она је најрадије давала српске главе у замену за енглеске и пила српску крв, место енглеске. Њој се дала прилика 22. јуна 1941. године да нас искористи. Њена политика, њена пропаганда, њени агенти ЈЕВРЕЈИ и наши одроди, англофили, гурнули су српски народ у буну противу Немаца, који су победоносно напуштали Србију ради борбе са Совјетима.
Енглези су измислили Народно партизански ослободилачки рат, преваривши националце да са комунистима нападну окупатора. Резултат је био поразан. Та англобољшевичка спрега коштала је Србију прескупо.
Побуна је била угушена, Србија разорена, многа огњишта угашена. Симовић и компанија не запиташе се: Како је народу? За чији рачун ми ово радимо? Не, они напротив и преко радиа и преко летака и преко својих гласоноша викали су и уз гусле певали, уваљујући све више наш народ у несрећу.
Енглеска политика нам је нанела велику несрећу и тиме што је обмањујући наш народ разбијала наше националне редове, рушила нашу народну слогу. Она је хтела да нас још једном употреби као слепо оружје своје политике. Зато је Енглеска раније толико хвалила Дражу Михаиловића, гледајући да га искористи за своје себичне рачуне. Зато су од стране Енглеза најбољи српски родољуби стављени под слово “З”, мучки убијани и тиме стварани предуслови грађанског рата, као да се мало несрећа сручило на српски народ, па је требало још да доживи и страхоте грађанског рата. Напади на српске оружане одреде, који служе само Србији и Српству, такође су дело те подмукле пропаганде.
Али, они који су се заносили или се још увек заносе енглеским пријатељством виде сада и наличје тог њиховог англофилства. Ваљда је и њима сада јасно да је њихова безумна акција била од суве штете по српски народ. Сада би требали да и они увиде да у вери у властиту снагу и народној слози лежи наш спас.
Кад Дража није хтео да даје Енглезима онако и онолико колико су они желели, просто су га одбацили као исцеђен лимун. У енглеској рачуници појавио се нови фактор несрбин Јосип Броз звани “Тито”. Њему су се Енглези више зарадовали но Дражи, (кога су послали у архиву), бацили у старо гвожђе.
Ударили су у бубњеве и таламбасе и затрубили на све стране производећи га, као некад Дражу, и за генерала и за маршала, дајући му и злато, оружје и муницију, правећи му чапраз-диване, шаљући му делегацију генерала па чак и лордовских синова на поклоњење.
Зашто све ово, кад је Тито бољшевик и непријатељ енглеског капиталистичког поретка? Он треба моментално да спасава ситуацију, да не лете енглеске главе на европским бојиштима. Боље је југословенске, односно српске. И Тито је данас једини миљеник Енглеске.
Енглези веле, њему ћемо дати све, јер се он бори противу Немаца место нас. Нека гину други што да се пролива аристократска плава енглеска крв. Енглези ће И даље ратовати памећу, а други крвљу и мртвим главама.
Код Енглеза је све на продају и образ и част и поштена реч и гаранција – СВЕ. Јуче су уздизали Дражу, данас му вичу доле. Пре су Краља Петра и његову југословенску владу ковали у звезде, злоупотребљавајући лондонски радио позивајући Србе да устану на оружје. Сад им не треба ни Краљ ни југословенска влада. Зато је она сад “велико зло”, банда авантуриста и гомила реакционера. Сад су све и сва Тито и његов комитет. Пре су обећали Краљу Петру Југославију и престо. Сад му веле: после рата народ ће се изјаснити хоће ли монархију и Краља. А то гласање треба да припреме Јосип Броз и његове крволочне банде, којима треба да приђе српски народ.
Југословенску владу јуре по разним континентима земаљске кугле. Сад дају југословенско злато банди Титовој, а терају из државе оне који су по њиховом диктату приредили 27. март 1941. године пуч и упропастили народ и државу. Ето то је енглеска перфидна политика, то је енглеска захвалност, то је енглеска правда и поштење. Та Енглеска каже да се бори за сутрашњи бољи свет, за правду, и човечанство.
Због те и такве Енглеске српски народ страда, проређује се, гине, стално је у животној опасности, стално лебди између живота и смрти.
Ето таква је енглеска политика са својим трабантима код нас упропастила Југославију и српски народ.
Ја вам ову жалосну повест нисам испричао да вас уплашим, али сам казао отворено и истинито: Српски народ лебди између живота и смрти. Само још један погрешан корак, па нас може ђаво однети. Стога је дванаести час да се манемо свога личнога, да не мислимо на наше личне интересе, личне амбиције, партиске лудорије. Па шта ће бити у будућности не водећи рачуна о садашњости, него да мислимо шта нам ваља радити да останемо живи. НАЈВАЖНИЈЕ ЈЕ МИСЛИТИ САМО НА СРПСКИ НАРОД, НА ЊЕГОВО СПАСЕЊЕ И ОПСТАНАК. Мислити својим мозгом и ићи за својим народним интересима. Не слушати са стране никога, не поводити се ни за ким.
Од Енглеза и осталих немамо шта очекивати до несреће и преваре. Морамо се поуздати само у се. Морамо бити начисто с тим да је Краљ енглески заробљеник и да мора говорити и радити како му Енглези нареде. Та његова наређења, савети и поруке изнуђени су силом, па за нас не важе. Народ мора сам себе спасавати и бирати пут којим ће ићи.
Ми Срби сви смо за Краља и монархију, па нам не треба у том погледу поруке ни лекције.
Нећемо служити никакву нову владу пучистичку Симовићеву, ни ортачку Симовић-Титову. Симовић је демон српског народа и његов гробар, а несрбин Броз звани Тито, највећи крвник откако српски народ постоји. А пошто наши непријатељи виде да српски народ неће са Титом у “ослободилачку партизанску Титову војску” то измишљају нову фирму ради требљења српског народа делећи га на монархисте и републиканце, али ће и ту коначно насести. Ми вичемо у сав глас: Ми Срби, ми смо монархисти.
И ове ће године трајати рат, а ко зна да ли ће се завршити и идуће. Зато сви Срби ма где били морају се држати ових начела:
1. Сачувати што више српских глава; не лити српску драгоцену крв узалуд;
2. Свом Српству матица је Мајка Србија;
3. НАЈВЕЋИ НЕПРИЈАТЕЉ СРПСТВА ЈЕ КОМУНИЗАМ - Њега треба требити из српске народне њиве, без милости до краја.
4. Највећи је душманин српског народа онај који дели Србе на ма какве фракције, партије или фронтове. Сви Срби морају бити у једној јединственој фаланзи, окупљени у СВЕСРПСКОЈ ЛЕГИЈИ. Сви Срби сложно, братски на окуп, да се спасавамо сами.
5. За све Србе насушна је потреба да свуда чувају ред, мир и рад. Сваки дан проведен у миру ојачава СРПСТВО и чува га за будућност.
6. Остати миран до краја рата. Уједињен српски народ не може ништа изненадити ни у грађански рат увући. Ово је најбитније.
7. Свуда организовати српске оружане јединице противу комуниста уз помоћ немачку и са њима лојално сарађивати свуда. Веру српску православну и прадедовску чувати и штитити као највећу српску драгоценост.
Ја сам сигуран, драга браћо и сестре, да ћете ме разумети. Трогодишње искуство нас је много чему научило. Уверен сам да више нико неће српски народ ни залудети ни преварити. Имајте на уму, сада долази највећа борба и највеће искушење; енглеска победа у Европи била би у ствари бољшевичка победа. Бољшевизам куца на врата европска. ЕВРОПУ БРАНИ НЕМАЧКА! Капитулација Бадољеве Италије показала је каквим страшним борбеним снагама располаже Немачка. Многи ће се тешко преварити ако хоће неко решење јер би то решење имало да проспе море енглеске и американске крви, а то неће ни Енглези ни Американци. Јер ко би држао колоније? Ко би владао половином света? Ко збирао богатства земаљске кугле? Отуда су они готови да испуне све захтеве Стаљинове само да и даље тече крв туђих војника и народа а не њихова. Посао је посао – веле они.
Из овога историског места, из белога града Београда, бастиона унесрећеног Српства, на домаку плаве Авале, тог вековног споменика српског јунаштва и мучеништва, у име нашег опстанка поручујем вам:
Господ Бог хоће да ми сами будемо ковачи своје судбине. Дошао је тренутак да се оствари и духовно и материјално јединство српског народа. Оно мора да буде српско вјерују свију нас, да једнако мислимо и радимо и не доживимо више 27. март 1941. године.
Један је непријатељ пред нама: ЕНГЛЕСКО-ЦРВЕНА АЖДАЈА – ТИТО и сви они који се иза њега крију и Србе требе. Заборавимо све заблуде и лутања. Удримо сложно против њих сви Срби ма где били и српским се крстом крстили. Нема двојбе, бирајмо: Спас или пропаст. Ако продужимо овако разједињени и разривени, сигурно ћемо пропасти; ако се сложимо, спасћемо се, јер су Бог и правда са нама.

Завршио је Ђенерал Милан Недић свој говор.


24. априла 1944. године
„Ето нам њиховог Ускрса, у црно завијеног Београда..."
Дижем глас против ових просвећених Вандала што су за овај злочин изабрали највећи хришћански празник у години.
Београде, наш бели граде, теби говорим и тебе питам: што си тако жалостан? У црном руху си, у плачу, у тешким сузама!
Зар сада када се пролеће буди, кад се животу радује мало и велико, небо и земља?
Знам, шта ти је Београде, мученички граде, тугујеш и нећеш се скоро зарадовати и забелети. О Ускрсу, највећем хришћанском празнику дошли су ти у походе просвећени Вандали, веле твоји савезници и пријатељи из Енглеске и Америке, дођоше на крилатим чудовиштима, ваздушним тврђавама, да те виде: да ли ти је тешко трогодишње ропство, које робујеш њих ради по њиховом наговору и савету. Дођоше да ти честитају светле празнике Христовог васкрсења јер су и они хришћани и бацише на твој бели град ускршња јаја, бомбе од 1.000 и 2.000 килограма, да те поздраве и осоколе, јадни мој бели граде.
И шта ово би?
Место радости и „верност за верност", приредише ти ову црну поворку, црне сватове, све мртвац до мртваца у дугам редовима, на стотине. Ко су ти мртви што у овој тужној поворци лагано путују на вечни починак? Твоја деца. Шта они коме нажао учинише? Никоме ништа. Сви су се они радовали васкрсу Христовом и у његовом васкрсу гледали свој.
Зар баш на Ускрс, кад је Христос опростио роду људскомраспеће своје на крсту? Зар Енглези и Американци, наши савезници, у које си ти Београде имао веру, њима се клео, у својој безазлености плео за њих џемпере и чарапе, рукавице и шалове? Зар они немају милости данас да ти опросте и да те поштеде, да бар на Ускрс злехуди залогај на миру поједеш, јадни мој бели граде! Ко су ови, што их данас пратимо вечној кући? Чујте страшну историју: деца и мајке из општинских породилишта у Крунској улици које је било понос Београда, деца из дечјих обданишта из Звечанске улице; чујте даље: мирно београдско становништво са Бајлонове пијаце, Александрове улице, Каленића гувна и толико друго. Ви ме гледате раширених зеница, јер знате да ту нема ни војничких објеката ни немачких станова, а камо ли шта друго. Они, просвећени Вандали, нису ни гађали војничке објекте, они су, јадна браћо моја, гађали вас, мирну и недужну децу, жене, старце, ваше мирне домове без одбране! Питате зашто? Да вам утерају памет у главу. Да вам кажу да не верујете никоме. Да у будуће гледате само своја посла, а не да се мешате у велику светску политику. Да гледате своје интересе и не тражите пријатеље тамо где их не можете наћи. И Енглези и Американци су вам очито казали, тукући вас страховитом казном најтежих бомби 16. априла 1944. год., да сте на погрешном путу. Све што сте желели, о чему сте сањали и говорили: да дођу наши Енглези, догодило се. Ето дошли су вам и донели су вам крваве дарове, вама и целом српском народу. Пре неки дан напујдали су Тита да улети у Србију, и два округа, ужички и краљевачки, опљачка до голе душе, пороби и побије. Ви сте и после тога товорили: неће нас Енглези. Пет пута англосаксонци бомбардују Ниш. Три пута Никшић, а ти бели мој граде, у јадној лудој самообмани велиш: неће нас Енглези. Верујеш ли и данас да тебе неће? Наши савезници ти шаљу Црнце и Кинезе као пилоте да ти покажу да је данас век трговине, да нема милосрђа, нема опроштаја. Ти, Београде, ипак верујеш да то није истина, да ти то подмеће пропаганда. Ево, сад видиш жртве твоје лакомислености, жртве твоје заблуде, твога наопако схваћеног патриотизма. Свима више верујеш, верујеш којекаквим белосветским изелицама, а себи, својима и свом рођеном не верујеш. Колико је твојих синова, пуних ината и пркоса, претило рођеној браћи својој: „кад дођу наши". За све су ти и такви имали више симпатија него за свој народ, за своју децу. Та њихова лажна уста кога нису окаљала и оговарала. Таквим београђанима нису добра ни она јуначка деца наша, онп соколови хероји, што својим млађаним животима бране и Србију и Београд и падају за отаџбину по Голији, Јавору, Чемерну, губећи животе у љутим окршајима са бандитским хордама Титовским, плаћеницима Енглеским.
Обиђоше ли ови ту децу на бојишту или у болници? Донесоше ли им понуде?
Запиташе ли: децо наша, боли ли вас ране, што их задобисте нас ради?
Њихове очи блуде у бесконачну даљину и траже прекоморске пријатеље, а ниподаштавају браћу своју. Ево дошли су нам пријатељи.
Мој бели граде, отрезни се!
Гледај своју тешку и претешку несрећу!
Помози себи, па ће ти и Бог помоћи.
Остави се ината и севапа.
Пригрли своје, оно ти је најбоље, најрођеније, јер је твоје.
Не тражи по свету пријатеља, јер га нема, не тражи брата другде већ брата по српском млеку.
Воли српски народ и за њега се жртвуј, не за Енглезе, Американце, Совјете.
Ни у тикви суда, ни у странцу друга и брата.
Гледајте ове невине жртве што стиснутих зуба леже пред вама.
Они су неми протест противу свих наших грехова, заблуда и ината.
Хајте, брат уз брата, сестра уз сестру, сви у једно коло.
Чујте и запамтите: ове Ускршње жртве биће освећене. Јер за то вапије Божја правда. Освета ће бити страшна казна Бога живога за недела људска, за ове невине жртве!
Ја протестујем у име Српске Владе, пред Богом, српским народом, и целом светском јавношћу: што су Енглези и Американци, „наши савезници", због којих смо изгубили слободу и државу и већ поднели тешке жртве у крви, бомбардовали Београд, и толико још нових жртава му причинили, онај Београд који је страховито страдао због њих 6. априла 1941. године.
Дижем глас против свих просвећених Вандала што су за овај злочин изабрали највећи хришћански празник у години.
Клањам се пред свима невиним жртвама и зовем све београђане да се врате самима себи, мајци Србији и Српству, на њих само да мисле јер као што видите у свету, браћо, нема љубави.
Слава жртвама енглеско-америчког терора, мученицима нашег мученичког Београда!
Живео српски народ!
Живела мајка Србија!"
Ово су само неки од цитата које је генерал Милан Недић као апел упутио народу српском за време голготе која је задесила наш народ и саму Србију, па самим тим апелујемо на надлежне органе Србије да се расправа око рехабилитације генерала убрза, а и да се позитивно реши.

У Београду, 1.4.2015.год.
А. Недић, праунук генерала Милана Недића



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar prisustvovao ročištu povodom rehabilitacije generala Mihailovića / Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia attends General Mihailovic rehabilitation hearing / April 3, 2015

April 3, 2015

Beograd, 3. april 2015. – Njegovo Kraljevsko Visočanstvo Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar prisustvovao je danas u Palati pravde ročištu povodom sudske rehabilitacije generala Dragoljuba Mihailovića.

„Kao što je bio prvi koji je pružio otpor nacističkoj okupaciji, general Mihailović bio je i prvi koji se suprotstavio brutalnoj posleratnoj komunističkoj diktaturi. Proces njegove sudske rehabilitacije započeo je dve hiljade šeste godine i ja se iskreno nadam da će u što skorije vreme biti okončan. Nacionalno pomirenje može da počiva samo na istini, ispravljanju nepravdi i praštanju. Našoj zemlji je neophodno više jedinstva, pravde i pravičnosti za sve. Molimo se za sve koji su izgubili svoje živote na svim stranama!” – poručuje Prestolonaslednik Aleksandar.

Ovom prilikom podsećamo javnost da u Belom Dvoru do 6. aprila u terminima od 10:00 i 17:00 časova mogu pogledati izložbu “General Mihailović – Prvi borac za slobodu u okupiranoj Evropi” autora Dušana Babca. Izložbu možete posetiti uz obaveznu najavu bar dan pre posete na telefon 011 306 4000 ili putem e-pošte kancelarija@dvor.rsUlaz je besplatan.


Crown Prince Alexander attends General Mihailovic rehabilitation hearing

Belgrade, 3 April 2015 – His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander attended the judicial rehabilitation of General Dragoljub  Mihailovic hearing at the Palace of Justice today.

“Just as he was the first to resist German occupation, General Mihailovic was the first to fight against the brutal communist dictatorship. The process of his legal rehabilitation began in 2006 and I sincerely hope it is going to be finalized very soon. National reconciliation may rest only on truth, correction of injustice, and forgiving. Our country needs more unity, fairness, and justice for all. Let us pray for all those who lost their lives on all sides!” - said Crown Prince Alexander.

On this occasion, we remind the public that the exhibition “General Mihailovic - The First Freedom fighter in Nazi-occupied Europe" by Dusan Babac can be seen the White Palace until April 6, 2015 between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. The exhibition can be visited with the mandatory notification at the latest the day before the visit by phone 011 306 4000 or by e-mail kancelarija@dvor.rsAdmission is free.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


ЗАПИСНИК са рочишта генералу Михаиловицу / ZAPISNIK sa rocista generalu Mihailovicu February 27, 2015 Beograd


Записнике са рочишта шаље Српски либерални саветKliknite na svaku "sliku" da vidite bolje.

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If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

Rehabilitacija Milana Nedića u Strazburu / "Danas" April 8, 2015

April 8, 2015

Praunuk ratnog predsednika vlade najavio pokretanje postupka protiv države Srbije pred Evropskim sudom za ljudska prava.

Milan Nedic
- Aleksandar Nedić, generalni sekretar Srpskog liberalnog saveta, najavio je da će preko svog pravnog zastupnika započeti postupak pred Evropskim sudom za ljudska prava u Strazburu pošto su pravosudni organi u Srbiji odbili da postupaju po njegovom zahtevu za rehabilitacijom predsednika srpske vlade u vreme okupacije Milana Nedića.
Prema rečima Aleksandra Nedića, praunuka Milana Nedića, na ovaj potez su se odlučili pošto je Viši sud u Beogradu prošle godine odbacio njihov zahtev karakterišući ga kao neuredan.
- Viši sud je odbacio inicijativu, jer mi nismo mogli da dostavimo svu dokumentaciju koja se nalazi u Arhivu Jugoslavije. Pošto je reč o više hiljada dokumenata, porodica nije imala sredstava da plati njihovo fotokopiranje - rekao je Nedić.
Kako je naveo, njegov advokat Zoran Živanović će formalnu proceduru započinjanja postupka u Evropskom sudu za ljudska prava u Strazburu obaviti nakon okončanja uskršnjih praznika.
Kod procesa rehabilitacije Milana Nedića je bilo sporno to što on nikada nije bio osuđen, pa samim tim ne postoji osnova da bude rehabilitovan.
- Milan Nedić je 1946. godine uredbom tadašnje vlasti bio proglašen za državnog neprijatelja - objasnio je Aleksandar Nedić razlog zbog kojeg je pokrenut postupak rehabilitacije.
Milan Nedić je bio predsednik srpske vlade za vreme nacističke okupacije Srbije. Po završetku rata njegova vlada je raspuštena, a on uhapšen. Po zvaničnoj verziji događaja, Milan Nedić je 1946. godine počinio samoubistvo, tako što je iskoristio nepažnju zatvorskih čuvara i iskočio kroz prozor zatvora u Beogradu.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

THE LESSON OF SERBIA in being on the side of the "Winners".


"Serbian Pride"
Artwork by Sarah Savic Kallesoe
July 28, 2010
"You shall read that we are commanded to
forgive our enemies;
but you never read that we are commanded to
forgive our friends."

—Cosimo I de’ Medici, d. 1574 (attributed)

 Image of American and British Flags joined together courtesy of:

"Writing on the Balkans has often failed to command a large general audience for the simple reason that it does not bring out the larger lessons in the stories of a group of unhappy countries in southeastern Europe. But a country like Serbia must be seen not merely as a product of its own environment, but understood in the abstract — that is, as a country that has demonstrated the very best and very worst in humanity itself and the fight for ideals. No book that merely recounts a record of gruesome civil wars, ethnic violence, and trials and tribulations will command a large audience. But any book that investigates what it means for a country to have once upon a time taken the side of the winning team at the expense of its own existence deserves a wide readership. That is the story of Serbia, and it is a lesson confined to no region and no border or periphery, but one that is universal and eternal."
 From the Preface by
Marcia Christoff Kurapovna
to her book:

Shadows on the Mountain -
The Allies, the Resistance, and the
Rivalries that Doomed WWII Yugoslavia.


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


VIDEO / Христос воскресе из мертвих! Christ rises from the dead! / CHRIST IS RISEN! INDEED HE IS RISEN! / Христос Воскресе! Ваистину Воскресе! / Hristos Voskrese! Vaistinu Voskrese!

Aleksandra's Note:
The great gift from God
in the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
on Easter Sunday
is that Death does not have the final Victory.
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
Aleksandra Rebic
Serbian Orthodox Easter
April 12, 2015
Христос воскресе из мертвих

Posted on You Tube by "itonnpvot"

Published on Apr 10, 2012

"Христос воскресе из мертвих, смертию смерт поправ
и сущим во гробех живот даровав."



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


EASTER EPISTLE OF GENERAL DRAZA MIHAILOVICH 1945 / Васкршња посланица ђенерала Драгољуба Михаиловића из 1945. године.



"We will continue today with the set goal. Exactly at 11h, all columns will stop at the places where they find themselves. In memory of the day of the resurrection of our God-man, we will pray to God. Priests will hold a short service. Then, we move on!

Our struggle and our suffering is for human rights given by God. It is the way of the Lord Jesus Christ, in which he perished, but also resurrected.

Centuries have neither defeated nor changed this, nor will the events of today.

We may die in this battle, however victory is assured and benefits those who survive and those that come after us.

Confident in your resolve to persevere to the end, I give you, my dear brothers-in-arms, my greeting: CHRIST IS RISEN!"

General Dragoljub M. Mihailovich


Васкршња посланица ђенерала Драгољуба Михаиловића из 1945. године.

„Продужићемо данас ка постављеном циљу. Тачно у 11ч, све колоне ће се зауставити на местима где се буду нашле. У сећању на дан Васкрса Богочовека помолићемо се Богу. Свештеници ће одржати кратку службу Божју. А онда, покрет даље!

Наша борба и наше патње су за права човека Богом дана. То је пут Господа Исуса Христа на коме је и он Страдао, али и Васкрсао. Векови то нису оборили ни променили, неће ни појаве данашњице.

Ми можемо у тој борби и изгинути, али је победа њена сигурна и благодети за преживеле и потоње.

Уверен у вашу решеност да истрајете до краја, ја вам упућујем, драги моји саборци, мој поздрав:


Ђенерал, Драгољуб М. Михаиловић


English translation provided by Vera Dragisich
Secretary, Movement of Serbian Chetniks Ravne Gore


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Part 2 / “CHETNIKS” by Jozo Tomasevich: The Fallacy that Endures - Part Two / By Miloslav Samardžić

The Kingdom of Yugoslavia in World War II
CHETNIKS” by Jozo Tomasevich: The Fallacy that Endures - Part Two
By Miloslav Samardzic
April 14, 2015
A textbook on manipulation -
Tomašević and his reviewers did not use the most important German wartime documents, but that tale served a purpose along with variety of tricks.

Jozo Tomasevich 1986
Another test would be to question whether Tomašević enumerated and described the German operations against the Chetniks during 1941-1944. They numbered 34, he does not. He mentions them in passing, whilst one of those he states though planned was not carried out: Operation ‘Tojfel’ against the Chetniks on mount Ozren near Doboj in April 1943. But according to actual reports from German Wehrmacht Supreme Command in the south-east, the losses were: on the Chetnik side, 158 killed and 148 captured and the other side German and Croat losses were 38 dead, 64 wounded and 20 missing.

But where he does describe operations performed by the Chetniks against the Germans, he only mentions four, one for each year of the war! Although according to German reports there were countless numbers. The following four German reports were sent within a half-hour of each other on the 5th October 1943.

’09, 40: radio reports from 3rd Battalion of the 370th Grenadier regiment: Assistance! From 04.00hrs under attack from heavy weapons’. The attack intensified at 07.00 hrs. ‘Northeast Visegrad Chetniks advancing. Please auxiliary troops from Rogatice. Air support please’.

10.00: The main command in Croatia announces: 2nd Mountain Brigade reports Visegrad encircled. The north east part of the city occupied by enemy. Help required in heavy battles. The 6th mountain regiment requires aerial reconnaissance. Militia fled, residents following. Armed reinforcements needed.

10.05: 3rd Battalion of the 370th Grenadier Regiment reports: Pressure from the east so powerful that Croatian irregular soldiers and gendarmes fleeing. Please urgent help from the air.

10.10: Divisional command of the 3rd Battalion to the 370th Grenadier Regiment advises over the radio; “assistance sought from the Luftwaffe, but currently the weather is bad. Croatian forces will today enter Višegrad.”
The Partisans did not take part in offensive operations against the Germans; they systematically hid from them and attacked the Chetniks. Because the Partisans war aim was the struggle for power.

Does Tomašević describe and list the urban settlements that Chetniks liberated from the Germans, 32 in all? No he does not. By contrast the Partisans did not liberate one urban settlement from the Germans, until the arrival of the Red Army.

Does Tomašević describe the actions of saboteur groups, the largest of which was codenamed Group ”Gordon”? No. According to the German anti-saboteur formation ‘Vinek’ saboteur group ‘Gordon’ performed 1.499 acts of sabotage and diversion, mostly on the railways, particularly during the North Africa campaign against Hitler’s Field Marshal Rommel. The most important German supply line went through Serbia, these acts of sabotage occurred at a vital time and are probably a record for the entire Second World War. Whilst performing these actions 35 Chetniks were killed, the Germans captured and executed 396 commandos and saboteurs of Group ‘Gordon ‘, while another 207 of them were sent to concentration camps and a further 50 imprisoned.

Does Tomašević describe the highest level German visit to the occupied Kingdom of Yugoslavia since Hitler’s stay in Maribor in 1941? No, because Heinrich Himmler’s attendance at Kraljevo in October 1942 was to oversee a German operation against the Chetniks.

Does he cite that the largest camp on the territory of Serbia was officially named by the Germans: ”DM camp Dedinje”? in respect of Draza Mihailovic’s initials, because in the camp, which the communists re-named ” Camp at Banjici’, were most of his comrades, including his wife and two children.

Does he cite the countless reports of executions of ”DM hostages” killed? No he does not. They were killed in reprisal for each German solder killed in conflict according to the proportion of one hundred Serbs for each German soldier.

Throughout the whole book he only mentions the shooting of 250 ” DM” captives on 25 December 1942, tacitly implying this shooting was an exception.

However, tens of thousands of Serbian hostages were executed.

In one incident alone on September 10th 1943, the German commander of Serbia, General Felber, ordered the execution of 500 Serbian “DM” hostages, in reprisal for the shooting 10 German soldiers by the Chetniks at Jajinci near Belgrade.

The following is Felber’s command for September 17th 1943:

“As a reprisal for an attack on a truck near Bajina Basta, where they killed four and wounded four customs officers, shoot 300 DM supporters”.

Also due to an attack on SS guards in Gojnoj Gori by Chetniks, where they killed four SS men and one officer, Felber ordered the execution 10 “DM” captives.

Following an attack on vehicle near Sevojno, in which a German security officer was wounded, in reprisal 25 “DM” captives were executed.

In a battle at Vrnjacka Banja, Chetniks killed eight German soldiers, the Germans in reprisal on October 1st, 1943 in Jajinci shot 400 ”DM” hostages. On the same day, in Cacak and Jajinci a further 285 Serbs were executed and in Nis 35 executed, in total 720 Serbs were executed in just one day! On the 4th of October in Sabac another 150 supporters of Draza Mihailovic were executed, as well as many other executions.

Finally, did Tomašević quote from major German intelligence reports? No he did not.

For example, these are excerpts from a report by head of German intelligence service for Eastern Europe, General Reinhard Gehlen, on the 9th February 1943:

“Among the various insurrectionist movements that are increasingly troubling in the territory of the former Yugoslav state, the movement of Draza Mihailovic stands in first place when it comes to leadership, weapons, organization and activities … The DM movement is an organisation constituted and based on the fanatical will of every individual … Great knowledge of the terrain by fighters and the positive attitude of the majority of the Serbian people are utilized by the movement … Within the movement D. M. there are also organized armed military units that constitute the `Yugoslav Home Army. Currently it has about 150,000 people in the whole the territory of Yugoslavia.”

All this is enough to conclude that Tomašević and his reviewers did not use the most important German wartime documents, but the story served along with a variety of other tricks for. For example, when describing the uprising in Serbia in 1941, they turned their attention as to why the uprising broke out. Although there are numerous Wehrmacht military reports, Tomašević cites mostly civilian reports, and those of politicians. For example, Felix Benzler, representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Third Reich in Serbia, in August 1941, used the term ‘communist uprising’ ‘and’ ‘communist movement’. Further he reports on the 12th of September: ”Under the influence of a communist led protest in support of Russia, some individual Chetnik groups also took part in the protest against German occupation troops, although so far there has been no actual fighting”. However, the communists supposed nationalist show of support was a camouflage for their support of communist aims and those of the Soviet communists.

Following this there seemed to be uprisings from every quarter: on July 4th 1941 Stalin directed communists to begin the fight against the Germans in order to relieve the pressure on the Soviet Union, which they duly obeyed. By contrast, the British government during August in several radio broadcasts repeatedly advised occupied nations not to rise up in insurrection, because they ”could only result in severe reprisals with the loss of our key people”. BBC Radio London transmitted a statement by the President of the Yugoslav government: General Dusan Simovic, who threatened to sanction the leaders of any pre-mature uprising. (Such as happened after World War I when the only surviving leader of the Topličko 1917 uprising was placed under investigation). This “coincided with this Mihailovich’s viewpoint”, and so on.

Thus in a 20 page explanation of the causes of the uprising, and continued throughout the course of Tomašević’s book, he fails to described any event accurately. Almost everything is subordinated to the question of ‘why’ events occurred, while the more important question of ‘what’ actually happened is glossed over, with passing comments in sentences such as: ”Some Chetnik detachments indeed, later that same month, began to fight against the Germans on their own or associated with the Partisans”.

Seemingly, with the use of manipulated evidence the story is logical.

However, Benzler as a politician was not versed in the events on the ground, and to some extent neither was the commander of German troops in Serbia, General Dankelman, for which he was dismissed. They succumbed under the influence of Serbian Germanophiles, who led them to believe falsely that the rebellion was a communist uprising. Seemingly, in the beginning their false assumption was somewhat justified, because on July 7th 1941, the Communists killed the two Serbian gendarmes, not with the intention of starting an anti-German uprising, but rather a communist political revolution. Colonel Draza Mihailovic was covertly connected to the Serbian gendarmerie, the strongest domestic armed formation on the territory of occupied Serbia, with a plan for the gendarmerie to take a major role in the destruction of the Communists. The gendarmerie had freedom of movement in relation to the occupiers, who saw them as a legitimate law enforcement unit. Even before the war they had fought against Communist Party terrorists. However, the Germanophiles learnt of the plan and that gendarmerie commander, Colonel John Trišića was going Ravna Gora (territory under Milhailovich’s command) and asked the Germans to deprive the gendarmerie of weapons and ammunition, and then disband them. With the implication, that a greater threat came from the ”English mercenaries” the Chetniks. During August and September 1941, the Communists suddenly occupied a relatively large area of territory and began killing civilians, who they falsely accused as ‘enemies of the people’. Mihailovic, did not have enough military strength to deal with the Communists, because at his heels were the Germans and domestic Germanophiles. So he moved on to plan B: trying to put the Communists under his command, delaying their destruction, as was his legal obligation, for that he had to wait for an opportune moment (among other things, Tomašević and his reviewers did not put events in a legal perspective). The attempt succeeded only partially, in particular by creating common courts, because otherwise the Communists condemned to death all the wealthier citizens, in order to confiscation their property. Besides, the population and the army were not as keen as the gendarmerie to fight against the communists, but there was an overwhelming willingness to fight the traditional enemy: the Germans. If Mihailovich had just observed events, allowed greater collaboration with the communists and let them gain importance, it would have given them the ability to ‘take power and begin to kill’.

Tomašević’s convoluted story was further mixed up under the miss-guidance of German documents. On 12th September 1944, when the uninformed Benzler reported that there had been no fighting between the Chetniks and the Wehrmacht, the commander of the southeast, Field Marshal List, correctly reported that so far the rebels had ‘incorrectly been called communists’, they were in fact the forces of Milhailovich .

General Staff Major Jaris from the Southeast Command, on September 18th 1941 wrote that the uprising is ”under the leadership of former Yugoslav officers”. General Frederick Turner, German Chief of Staff Serbia, September 21st, described the uprising by ” Mihailovich bandits”. General Franz Böhme, who replaced Dankelman as military commander in Serbia, reported on the 25th September 1941 on the uprising: “the management is in the hands of Serbian officers and soldiers and seems to have enough command personnel ”.

The story in the aforementioned Benzler’s report of 12th September is further unraveled by the chronology of events, according to German military documents:

– 31st August 1941 Chetniks liberated the town of Loznica (8 Chetniks were killed and 10 wounded, while the German losses were 12 killed and 93 captured; it was the first liberated town in occupied Europe).

– 1st September Chetniks liberated the town of Bogatić (25 killed and more wounded, Germans losses one dead, eight injured).

– 4th September Chetniks liberated the town of Krupanj. Losses: Chetniks three dead, three dead partisans (the partisans accounted for 20 percent of the insurgent forces in the attack), Germans 9 dead, 30 wounded and 130 captured.

– 6th September Chetniks liberated the town of Banja Koviljaca. Losses: Chetniks 41 dead, Germans 9 dead, 24 wounded and 51 taken prisoner, the Ustasha – unknown losses.

When at the end of September German reinforcements began to arrive, the primary units facing them were Chetniks, whilst the Communists remained deep in the background, within the center of Uzice forming ‘people’s government bodies’. In November the Chetniks held back these reinforcements at Kadinjaca for a month, if they had reached the city of Uzice the communist defense would have been broken in only two hours.

The price for the premature uprising was enormous. According to a report by General Bader, the Germans from 1st September 1941 to the 12th February 1942 during punishment excursions executed 20,149 Serbs in retaliation. The quota of killing 100 Serbs for each German soldier killed was not fulfilled, so Bader ordered the execution of a further 3,484 Serbian civilians.

After this experience, people saw through the communists and until the end of the war they did not have a stronghold in Serbia, but took over in the wake of Soviet tanks.

The inaccurate manner in which Tomašević describes the uprising in Serbia in 1941, Tomašević extends to all wartime events, namely he uses uninformed and unimportant documents that fit in with his bias that is supportive of the partisans and falsely accuses Milhailovich’s Chetniks. Supposed agreements with the Chetniks were German invention as part of their psychological warfare, and of course there is no documented evidence let alone any signatures on documents, but Tomašević treats this invention as real. Agreements with NDH (Independent State of Croatian) prohibiting removal of Serbs to concentration camps are labeled as collaboration with the Ustasha, even though there are no recorded instances of Chetniks fighting alongside the Ustasha against the partisans. By contrast there are several German documents recording the partisans and Ustasha collaborating against the Chetniks. The efforts by the Italians to stop the terrible genocide by Croatian forces against Serbs and Jews, is also labeled as collaboration with the Chetniks. Tomašević throws every possible false accusation of collaboration against Milhailovich’s legitimate army.

The biased and misleading use of incorrect documents by Tomašević could be described at best as professional misconduct. However, his reference to the genocide of unseen proportions perpetrated by the Croatian Nazi state, as merely: ” brutal anti-Serb Ustasha measures ”, is morally corrupt. Even Hitler’s special envoy to the Balkans, Dr. Hermann Neubacher, wrote that this genocide ”is one of the cruelest actions of the mass murder in world history”, assessing the number of slaughtered at 750,000. The extent and brutality of the genocide is witnessed by the fact that the German generals sought to abolish the Croatian Nazi state, but Hitler did not allow this whilst the Italians, who were horrified by the slaughter, occupied half of the territory.

End of part two.

Translated from the original Serbian by Mane Popovich.






If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Washington premiere! / “KINGDOM OF YUGOSLAVIA DURING WORLD WAR II” by Miloslav Samardzic to be screened on Sunday April 19, 2015 / (In Serbian with English subtitles)



(in Serbian with English subtitles)

Premiere of the movie “Kingdom of Yugoslavia during World War 2” by Miloslav Samardzic, will be shown on:

Sunday April 19, 2015


St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church
10660 River Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854
after the Liturgy and Coffee Hour

(To start around 12 p.m.)

All donations are welcomed, and Mr. Samardzic is donating 100% of the proceeds to paying off our Church mortgage.
St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church
10660 River Road
Potomac, MD 20854
Phone: 301.299.2704
Fax: 301.576.5664
E-mail: info@svluka.org
Web site: www.SvLuka.org



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


VIDEO/AUDIO / Da li ste ikada ČULI DRAŽIN GLAS? Evo kako je govorio ČETNIČKI ĐENERAL [MIHAILOVICH na sudu 1946] / "Telegraf" April 19, 2015

Telegraf. rs
April 19, 2015

Suđenje četničkom vođi Draži Mihajloviću i danas izaziva i otvara polemike najpre o regularnosti, a sačuvani audio zapis, delimično otkriva atmosferu sa ovog procesa ali i boju glasa Čiče.

Foto: Arhivska fotografija
O generalu Jugoslovenske vojske u otadžbini Dragoljubu Draži Mihailoviću ispričane su mnoge priče, ali ono što većina Srba nikada nije čula je njegov glas. Telegraf.rs vam zato otkriva boju glasa čoveka kog obožava većina građana u Srbiji a nikad mu tona nije čula!
U audio snimku sa suđenja đeneralu Draži može se otkriti, pored atmosfere sa ovog procesa i boja glasa četničkog vođe.


Na pitanje sudije da li ste vi 23.juna 1944. godine izdali naređenje za pet vaših korpusa da u Šumadiji pristupe uništenju partizana i simpatizera, general Draža odgovara:

– Uništenje, naređenje?… Svi su vojnici moraju da razumeju kakav je postupak prema svome stanovništvu,  prema zarobljenima, to oni mora da znaju.


Foto: Miloslav Samardžic/Album đenerala Draže
Iako je prošlo skoro 70 godina od suđenjačetnikom vođi Draži Mihailoviću, još uvek se vode polemike da li je ono bilo pravedno ili montirano.


Suđenje je trajalo od 1. juna do 13. jula 1946. godine u sali Gardijanskog doma u Topčideru.

Draža Mihajlović je streljan sa još devet osuđenika 18. jula 1946 godine.


Poslušajte kako je govorio đeneral Draža i kakav je glas imao:

Draža Mihailović - Suđenje (1946)
Posted on You Tube by "The Darco"
Published on Dec 5, 2013
- (Audio) -
General Dragoljub Draža Mihailović (27. April 1893 -- 17. Jul 1946)
General Mihailović je 15 . jula 1946 . godine osuđen na smrt streljanjem , trajan gubitak političkih i građanskih prava kao i oduzimanje celokupne imovine . Streljan je na nepoznatom mestu 17 . jula 1946. godine. Ni danas se ne zna gde je tačno grob generala Draže.




If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


[Serbia's Prime Minister] Vucic speaks at Jasenovac death camp site / "B92" [Tanjug] April 20, 2015

Source: B92, Beta, Tanjug

DONJA GRADINA -- Jasenovac was the most atrocious of execution sites and an abyss of humanity, but it is up to us to bridge it with sincere forgiveness, says Aleksandar Vucic.

Photo: Tanjug
He [Vucic] on Sunday [April 20, 2015]addressed a ceremony held in Donja Gradina in what is today the Serb Republic (RS) in Bosnia-Herzegovina, to mark Remembrance Day for the Jasenovac genocide victims.

Jasenovac was a death camp complex located on both banks of the Drina River, in what is today Bosnia and Croatia, run by the fascist Ustasha regime of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) - a Nazi-allied WW2 entity.

These execution sites, including the largest, Jasenovac itself, were during the war the places of mass murder of Serbs, Roma, and Jews.

Vucic said during the ceremony on Sunday that "the Serb people wish to make it clear at this place that they will not agree to death, that they will protect their homeland and kin and fight for life without the wish to take revenge, but they will never forget the past either."

According to Vucic, soon upon the constitution of the NDH, one of Europe's biggest death camps was set up and systematic execution of civilians was performed there, with the victims guilty "just because they were Serbs, Jews, Roma and those who did not want to serve the Ustasha and occupation forces."

"Here, the dark side of humankind wrote its most atrocious pages," he noted, and added that Ustasha had tried to wipe out the Cyrillic alphabet and Serb nation, Vucic said.

The hatred that built Jasenovac is terrible, the sorrow it is causing is terrible and even giving forgiveness here is terrible - "but we must and can do that," Vucic said.

Vucic said that Donja Gradina was the largest execution site within the Ustasha Jasenovac camp, stressing that an entire lifetime separated us from the day when the killing of innocents stopped in that area.

He said that Serbs lived on both sides of the Drina river and "had no intention of leaving these lands and would never vanish."

"We are Serbs, wherever we may live and whatever others may do to us. We are exactly those Serbs who strive to be and have the potential to be a great nation. And we do not need new territories, we do not border changes in the Balkans, we respect all others, we respect Bosnia, we respect Croatia, we desire no war of any kind," the prime minister was quoted by the Beta agency.

RS President Milorad Dodik also spoke at the gathering to say that Serbs would never forget the Ustashe atrocities Jasenovac nor would they stay silent, although they would also threaten revenge on no one.

"Jasenovac will continue to stand witness of the time in which the fascist creation of Independent State of Croatia did not hesitate to use its ideology and aspiration to eliminate Serbs from the territory even when it came to children, over 20,000 of whom were killed, Dodik said, adding that 700,000 people were killed in Jasenovac, most of them Serbs.

Haim Bivas, mayor of the Israeli town of Modina, said in Donja Gradina that there was an eternal obligation to maintain the memory of the victims of the Holocaust in the world and the genocide in the Jasenovac concentration camp.

An Israeli delegation, the ambassadors of Serbia, the Russian Federation, the U.S., Britain, the OSCE mission, the OHR, the EU Office in Banja Luka and a number of other delegations placed wreaths at the Topola site, where 41 graves are located.

This year also marks 70 years since the Jasenovac death camp breakout, Beta noted in its report.



If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


ЈАСЕНОВАЦ - ДА ЛИ ПАМТИМО? / Песма (1943) - Јован Дучић

Мој добри роде, сви су лагали,
И твој су видик сав помрачили;
За својом срећом само трагали,
И свуда крали, и све тлачили.
И место млека, крв су сисали,
У страдањима твојим дугима,
Твоје су светло име брисали,
Да не знаш ко си међу другима.
С убицама су цркве стварали,
И с издајником горде тврђаве;
У заклетви те свакој варали,
На води дигли мосте рђаве!
На згаришту ти држе говоре,
На губилишту подло пирују,
На буњиштима саде ловоре…
И мртве уче сад да мирују.
Мој добри роде, сви су рђави,
Вапај твој не чују што тугује!
Издајник и сад још у тврђави,
С убицом жртва сада другује.
Ломан је, роде, мост на провалији,
Свуд су у причест отров ставили…
С лупежом све су новце ковали,
Са кривоклетником завет правили.
Јован Дучић
na Facebook.
If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

DAYS OF JASENOVAC COMMEMORATION CEREMONIES / Jasenovac Research Institute proudly invites you to our 14th Annual Benefit Dinner and Conference Sunday APRIL 26, 2015 / U Njujorku se odrzava Komemoracija zrtvama - Srbima, Jevrejima, i Romima - mucki ubijenim u zloglasnom fasistickom logoru u Jasenovcu za vreme NDH.

Looking Backward, Looking Forward: Remembering the Victims of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia on the 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Jasenovac.
Sunday, April 26th, 2015
5:00 to 10:00 PM
New York's Hotel Pennsylvania
401 Seventh Avenue
New York, NY 10001
Co-sponsored by the St. Sava's Serbian Orthodox Church under the auspices of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
RSVP Joy Jangdhari, Executive Organizerwww.JoyEvents.nyc
Email: info@joyevents.nyc
Phone: (347) 475-0750


Jasenovac Research Institute April 26, 2015. Benefit Dinner. Sponsorship Opportunities Proceeds will benefit JRI’s ongoing work of education, commemoration, publishing, research and dissemination of information on the history of the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and the triple genocide against Serbs, Jews, and Romas. Please select your option below.

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Biography of Speakers

Raphael Israeli

Born in Fez, Morocco , Professor Israeli currently teaches Islamic, Chinese and Middle Eastern History at Hebrew University. A graduate of Hebrew University in history and Arabic Literature, he holds a PhD in Chinese and Islamic History from the University of California, Berkeley. Since 1974 he has been a Lecturer, and then Professor, of Islamic and Chinese History at Hebrew University, with sabbatical periods spent at York University (Toronto), the University of Pittsburg’s Semester at Sea program, Harvard University, Boston University, Australian National University in Canberra, Melbourne University and Naruto University in Japan.

Dr. Israeli is the author of 32 books and some 100 scholarly articles in the fields of Islamic radicalism, Islamic terrorism, the Modern Middle East, Islam in China and Asia, and the opening of China by the French.

Jovan Mirković

Jovan Mirković, one of the world’s leading historians of Jasenovac and the Holocaust in Yugoslavia, was born in Subocki Grad, near Novska in Slavonia. He received his degree in History from the University of Sarajevo where he also did post-graduate studies. He was Director of the Jasenovac Memorial Site from 1978 to 1980 and again 1990 to 1991. He was an Advisor to the Museum of Victims of Genocide in Belgrade from 1999 to 2013. He is the author of Objavljeni izvori i literatura o jasenovačkim logorima (A Bibliography of Sources on the Jasenovac Camps), 2000, and has published more than 50 articles focusing on the genocide against Serbs in World War II. He has also edited some 30 collections of essays and catalogues dealing with the Holocaust.

Aneta Lalić

Aneta Lalic is the Director of Cultural Affairs for the Serbian National Council of Croatia in Zagreb. She is an expert on the human rights situation in Croatia. Ms. Lalic's duties for the Serbian National Council also involve publishing, heritage preservation, coordination of the Serbian national minority councils and advocacy at various levels of the Croatian government.

Rene David Alkalay

Dr David Alkalay is a survivor of the Holocaust and a descendant of one of the most famous Jewish families of the Balkans. His family played important roles in 19th century Serbian history, as well as in the founding of the Zionist movement. His father Joseph and many members of his extended family were murdered at Jasenovac. Dr. Alkalay and his mother Anna survived a concentration camp where he was among the youngest to have survived, having been only one year old when he was arrested by the Ustashe. Today Dr. Alkalay is an interfaith Rabbi and a leading proponent of interfaith dialogue. He holds a PhD in Divinity from the Theological Seminary in Indianapolis. He is the founder and Director of the Genesis Society and Genesis Health Center in Queens, NY, an author of several books and numerous articles on wellness, and a national spokesperson for several organizations.

Darko Trifunović

Dr. Trifunovic, one of the leading experts in Counter-Terrorism and Security issues in the Balkans, is a Research Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Belgrade. He is also a Visiting Professor at Fudan University in China. Previously, he served as First Secretary of the Foreign Service for Bosnia Herzegovina at the UN and as an Advisor to the Repubic Srpska on terrorism. He is the Representative for Serbia and Montenegro in the International Strategic Studies Association and participates on many other international bodies, including in Israel where he is a frequent lecturer. He is also a founding and current Director of the Jasenovac Research Institute.

Nenad Fogel

Born in Novi Sad, Nenad Fogel received his degree in forestry engineering. In 1999 he became the President of the Jewish Community in Zemun. Since that time Mr. Fogel has produced or overseen the production of a steady stream of works on Jewish topics and history. Under his leadership, the Zemun Jewish Community has published some 30 separate works. A number of them were either authored or co-authored by Mr. Fogel. Most recently these included the books "Holocaust in Yugoslavia" and "A Traveling Exhibition on the Righteous among the Nations in Yugoslavia."

Mr. Fogel has also has authored two scripts for documentaries: "The Zemun Jewish Cemetery" and the "Righteous among the Nations – Serbia." In 2005 Mr. Fogel created the Jewish Community of Zemun's website, http://joz.rs, and is to this day its chief editor. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia.



I ove godine u Njujorku se odrzava
Komemoracija zrtvama - Srbima, Jevrejima,
i Romima - mucki ubijenim u zloglasnom
fasistickom logoru u Jasenovcu za vreme NDH.
Proslo je vec 70 godina od kada su se logorasi,
njih nesto vise od hiljadu, probili kroz
obezbedjenje logora i sami se oslobodili.
Ove godine obelezavajuci taj dan zelimo da
ponovimo poruku da se takvi i slicni
dogadjaji nesmeju ponoviti.

Dan oslobadjanja logorasa iz Jasenovca
proglasen je u Njujorku Danom secanja na
700 hiljada zrtva ove fabrike smrti.

Na ovogodisnjoj Komemoraciji i na
14 Godisnjoj konferenciji Jasenovac Research
Institute bice prisutnno nekoliko prezivelih
logorasa, Istoricari koji se bave ovim pitanjima
u Izraelu, Srbiji i u drugim zemljama kao i
znacajni geopoliticki i bezbednosni strucnjaci
koji ce govoriti o zlocinima ali i o ponovnom
pojavljivanju nacizma i opasnostima koje to

Bilo bi lepo da se i Vi pridruzite
Komemorativnim svecanostima i Godisnjoj
konferenciji JRI.

Prilozen je poziv i program Godisnje
Konferencije koju su, ove godine pomogli
i nasi ljudi, vlasnici kompanija u Njujorku.

Vas doprinos bice Vase prisustvo i donacija
koja zajedno sa vecerom iznosi samo $60.

Njujork je jedini mesto izvan bivse Jugoslavije,
gde se daje pomen zrtvama i pale svece u pomen
stradalih Srba, Javreja i Roma...

Dodjite da odamo pocast ubijenima i kazemo
da se zlocini nesmu ponoviti...

S postovanjem.

Milan Lucic
Clan Borda JRI


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

VIDEO / Astonishing film explores depths of GENOCIDE DENIAL IN CROATIA / Serbo-Croatian with English subtitles / "Britić - The British Serb magazine" April 22, 2015


Aleksandra's Note: Many thanks to Stan Smiljanic of "Britić" for sharing this information today, as we mark the 70th anniversary of remembering one of World War Two's most notorious death camps, Jasenovac. The current 21st century Croatian mentality towards one of the most horrific chapters in their own history as revealed here through this documentary film footage cannot, and must not, be dismissed.

Aleksandra Rebic


Britić - The British Serb magazine
April 22, 2015

As Serbs living in Britain and elsewhere, perhaps we think we know enough about the genocide that was conducted against our people during WW2 in the Independent State of Croatia. Perhaps we should leave history to the past and instead focus on something positive today rather than dwell on painful memories from 70 years ago. Watch this film, it will change your mind.

Public service broadcaster for Republika Srpska in Bosnia, RTRS, has transmitted this documentary about modern day attitudes to Jasenovac, the Ustaše extermination camp where more than 700,000 people were slaughtered. Most victims were Serbs but among them a huge number of Roma, Jews and others.

The programme asks modern day Croatians, including students of Zagreb University a simple question. The answers will astound you.

What does Jasenovac mean to you?

- Not much.

- I have a seminar now, I really can’t think about stuff like that, sorry.

- I couldn’t care less, it holds no importance to me. None at all.

Do you know how many people died at Jasenovac?

- No.

- 20,000.

- That depends who is interpreting. If it is interpreted by enemies of the Homeland, then it is quite a lot. If interpreted by the friends of the Homeland, then it is different story.

Which people were mostly killed at Jasenovac?

- Jews, I guess.

- It is very well known who died there, Croats died there mostly.

- Croats, 100%.

- I think that lots of Communist Croats were killed there, then Roma… and even Serbs.

Willful Ignorance?

In the reaction of some Croatian passersby one might perceive a casual malevolence against the victims of Jasenovac. For others, this unreconciled chapter of the nation’s history may simply be too excruciating to speak of and yet in a more genuine ignorance appears to be exhibited. Programme makers explore how such disturbing ignorance is able to persist in the most recent member state of the European Union. From the holocaust deniers (“Jasenovac was a labour camp with recreational facilities”) whose claims to be serious historians go unchallenged – indeed are supported by – ruling elites to more highly regarded journalists who simply cannot bring themselves to admit the enormity of the genocide perpetrated at Jasenovac death camp.

Today, Jasenovac houses a Memorial Centre where the curator has decided not to show a single picture of its victims. This scant remembrance is contrasted with the Austrian death camp at Mathausen where 120,000 people were slaughtered, among them 7,000 Serbs. This space in Austria observes a complete silence in the crematorium and its exhibits do not shy away from an attempt to portray something of the horror of the atrocities committed within its walls.

Who is to blame?

After the war and up to the present day, Jews around the world have stepped up to the responsibility of ensuring the millions of victims of Nazi genocide are never forgotten and that such hatred should never be allowed to take root again. Programme makers observe the more casual “why rake up the past” approach we Serbs have to remembering our own victims and the scenes of these horrific events.

As Serbs in Britain we have the opportunity to write to our MEPs (click here) and ask, how can this neo-Ustaše renaissance in Croatia go unobserved?

Watch this programme by clicking below:

"What does Jasenovac mean to Croatian people today?"

Posted on You Tube by "RTRS vijesti"
Published on Apr 20, 2015

Od podsjećanja i opomene na Јasenovačko zlo u Hrvatskoj je ostalo onoliko koliko mora da istorija ne bi bila do kraja ponižena.

Denis Bojić je za magazin "Pečat" istraživao šta je danas Јasenovac Hrvatima.





If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


Гранд при за документарац “Краљевина Југославија у Другом светском рату“ ! / "Pogledi" April 23, 2015

April 23, 2015

Документарни филм “Краљевина Југославија у Другом светском рату“ у продукцији НИП “Погледи“ добио је Гранд при на 10. међународном фестивалу документарног филма “Златна буклија“ у Великој Плани.

Филм је награђен у области “Уметност – историја“, с образложењем:

“За дуготрајно и темељно истраживање драматичних догађаја на тлу Србије и у свету током Другог светског рата“.

Председник жирија, који је саопштио награде 20. априла 2015, био је проф. Никола Лоренцин, режисер “Равногорске читанке“, прве ТВ серије са другачијим виђењем Другог светског рата која је објављена на Радио телевизији Србије.

Проф. Лоренцин је на фестивалу добио награду за животно дело.

На 10. фестивал “Златна буклија“ било је пријављено преко 150 филмова.

Више о документарцу:

If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra,
please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com

THE JASENOVAC EXTERMINATION CAMP - "TERROR IN CROATIA" / "Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team"


Aleksandra's Note: No matter how many phony "Remembrance" ceremonies and "Holocaust Commemorations" Croatia "officially" holds around this time of year, Croatia cannot wipe the blood off of its hands with disinformation, distortions, dismissals, revisions of their own history which their own Allies witnessed firsthand, and outright lies.

The following is an informative and compelling summary of the pride and joy of Croatia during World War Two - the JASENOVAC death camp that rivals even the worst of the Nazi camps in the crimes against humanity that were perpetrated there against the Christian Orthodox Serbs, the Jews, the Gypsies, and the Croatian citizens who dared to resist the Ustasha methods of governing.

The words paint a graphic, unforgettable picture of four years in the life of the death camps established by the Croatian regime and its sadists and butchers on the territory known as the "Independent State of Croatia" during World War II - a territory which included much of Bosnia and Hercegovina at that time.

Don't ever let a Croat tell you that the Ustashe were "extremists" that did not represent the official government or military of the Independent State of Croatia. And don't ever let a Croat tell you that their legacy is not alive and well TODAY in the 21st Century in Croatia.

Warning: The material below is very graphic in nature, and these are not embellishments or exaggerations.

May God have mercy on the souls of the people who perished in these camps and may their sacrifice not have been in vain.

Aleksandra Rebic
April 2015

Stone Flower monument dedicated to victims of Jasenovac
Photo by Petar Milošević / Wikipedia Commons


Holocaust Education and Archive Research Team

 The Axis powers invaded Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941. Vladko Maček, the leader of the Croatian Peasant Party (HSS) which was the most influential party in Croatia at the time, rejected offers by the Nazi Germany to lead the new government. On 10 April the most senior home-based Ustaša, Slavko Kvaternik, took control of the police in Zagreb and in a radio broadcast that day proclaimed the formation of the Independent State of Croatia (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH).

The new Independent State of Croatia" was established as a pro-Nazi government. It was dedicated to a clerical-fascist ideology influenced both by Nazism and extreme Roman Catholic fanaticism. On coming to power, the Ustaša Party dictatorship in Croatia quickly commenced on a systematic policy of racial extermination of all Serbs, Jews and Gypsies living within its borders.

The NDH was ruled by Ante Pavelic under the title Poglavnik, or "Headman". Pavelic served as leader of the Independent State of Croatia, a puppet state of the Axis Powers, throughout the four years of its existence, but since the Ustaše did not have a capable army or administration necessary to control the territory, the Germans and the Italians split the NDH into two zones of influence, one in the southwest controlled by the Italians (with Pavelić as Headman), and the other in the northeast controlled by the Germans.

Pavelić first met with Adolf Hitler on June 6, 1941. Mile Budak, then a minister in Pavelić's government, publicly proclaimed the violent racial policy of the state on 22 July 1941. The Ustaša's organization was a typically fascist organization and its military strength was an instrument for the implementation of the Ustaša's Nazi ideology.

The first "Legal order for the defense of the people and the state" dated April 17, 1941 ordered the death penalty for "infringement of the honor and vital interests of the Croatian people and the survival of the Independent State of Croatia". It was soon followed by the "Legal order of races" and the "Legal order of the protection of Aryan blood and the honor of the Croatian people" dated April 30, 1941, as well as the "Order of the creation and definition of the racial-political committee" dated June 4, 1941.

The enforcement of these legal acts was done not only through normal courts but also new out-of-order courts as well as mobile court-martials with extended jurisdictions.

The NDH Ustaša terror was also aimed at the Serbian Orthodox Church. Three Orthodox bishops and most of the Orthodox priests were murdered by the end of 1941 in the cruelest of manners. During the war, 450 Orthodox churches were demolished. Mass conversions were forced upon Serb villagers but the exact number of Serbs forcibly converted to Catholicism has never been established.

One Orthodox Serb from Okučani reported:

"The new government told me that I’d have to convert to Roman Catholicism if I wanted to keep my job. I refused and was fired in July 1941. I moved my family to the nearby town of Okučani where I managed to find work. But in Okučani I was arrested, once by the Germans and once by the Croatian fascists. Both of those times I was released. Now I’ve been arrested yet again by the Croatian fascists. My crime—being a Serb."

The Ustaša army (Ustaška vojnica) was organized by Slavko Kvaternik, and it was made up of Ustaša units (filled out with volunteers) under the direction of the Central Ustaša Headquarters, of special police units (redarstvo) and the Home Guard (domobrani), and in August of 1941 the Ustaša Secret Service was formed by Ustaša Security Service Kommando Eugen Dido Kvaternik who also oversaw the concentration camp system throughout the sphere of Ustaša control.

In the early stages of the Ustaša rule there were no legal regulations about sending people to concentration camps or the length of sentences. Such things were decided by Pavelić's emissaries, district prefects, deputy prefects, camp supervisors and other Ustaša commanders. Such practices remained even later, and when the regulations were finally passed, no one actually obeyed them.

The first camps in the NDH were founded on the island of Pag at the place called Slano, on Mount Velebit near Gospić at a place called Jadovno, and in Bosnia at Kruščica near Travnik. Besides Jasenovac, the larger camps were:

-Jadovno near Gospić
-Kruščica near Vitez and Travnik in Bosnia
-Loborgrad in Zagorje
-Tenja near Osijek

The establishment of the Jasenovac Camp System

Jasenovac was established in August, 1941 and was dismantled in April, 1945. The creation and management of the camp complex were given to Department III of the Croatian Security Police (Ustashka Nadzorna Sluzba; UNS) which was headed by Vjekoslav Maks Luburic, who commanded the Jasenovac camp.

The camp spread out over 210 square kilometers, along the Sava River from Stara Gradiska in the east to the village Krap1je in the west, and from Strug in the north to the line between Draksenic to Bistrica in the south.

The choice of the wider region of Jasenovac for such a monstrous camp was made for several reasons. One of them was certainly the suitable geographic position. The Zagreb-Belgrade railway was in the vicinity and was important for the transport of the prisoners. The terrain was surrounded by the rivers Sava, Una and Velika Struga, in the middle of the swampy Lonjsko poije area, so that escape from the camp was almost impossible.

On the other side of the Sava, the Gradina region was hardly accessible and often flooded by the river, uninhabited and far from all witnesses. It was the ideal place for hiding mass murders.

Jasenovac became the largest and most important concentration camp (sabirni logor) and extermination camp complex in the Nezavisna Hrvatska Drzava (NDH), Independent State of Croatia, during World War II. The Jasenovac concentration camp complex would be crucial in the systematic and planned genocide of the Orthodox Serbs of the Srpska Vojna Krajina and of Bosnia-Hercegovina by the Croats and Bosnian Muslims.

Other concentration camps were established in Sisak, Stara Gradiska, Djakovo, Lepoglava, Loborgrad. In all, there would be 22 concentration camps in the NDH, almost half of which were commanded by Roman Catholic Croatian priests.

The first transports brought Serbs and Jews to the nearby village of Krapje, which was 7 miles west of Jasenovac. At this site, the prisoners were forced to build the camp that was called Jasenovac Camp No. 1. A second camp was built after the increase in the number of prisoners called Camp No.2.

Camp No.3 was built near the Ciglara brick factory, Ozren Bacic & Company, at the mouth of the Lonja and downstream from Jasenovac. Camp No.4 was built in Jasenovac itself near the former leather factory. The camp at the nearby town of Stara Gradiska is referred to as Camp No.5.

The maximum capacity of all the camps was 7,000 prisoners but usually only 4,000 prisoners were there at any one time.

Jasenovac was in fact a system or complex of concentration and extermination camps occupying a surface of 130 square miles, set up under decree-law, No. 1528-2101-Z-1941, on September 25,1941, legally authorizing the creation of 'assembly or work camps for undesirable and dangerous persons.

The Ustaše interned mostly Serbs in Jasenovac. Other victims included Jews, Bosniaks,Gypsies, and opponents of the Ustaša regime. Most of the Jews were murdered there until August 1942, when they started being deported to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Jews were sent to Jasenovac from all parts of Croatia after being gathered in Zagreb, and from Bosnia and Herzegovina after being gathered in Sarajevo.

Some came directly from other cities and smaller towns. On their arrival most were killed at execution sites near the camp: Granik, Gradina, and other places. Those kept alive were mostly skilled at needed professions and trades (doctors, pharmacists, electricians, shoemakers, goldsmiths, and so on) and were employed in services and workshops at Jasenovac.

The living conditions in the camp were extremely severe: a meager diet, deplorable accommodations, a particularly cruel regime, and cruel behavior by the Ustaše guards. The conditions improved only for short periods during visits by delegations, such as the press delegation that visited in February 1942 and a Red Cross delegation in June 1944.

Following the Wannsee Conference of January 20, 1942, where the 'Final Solution to the Jewish Problem' was formulated, the Germans proposed through SS Sturmbannfuehrer Hans Helm that the Croats transfer Jewish prisoners to German camps in the east.

Kvaternik, agreed that the NDH would arrest the Jews, take them to railheads, and pay the Germans 30 Reich marks per person for the cost of transport to the extermination camps in the east. The Germans agreed that the property of the Jews would go to the Croat government.

SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Franz Abromeit was sent to supervise the deportations to Auschwitz. From August 13-20,1942, 5,500 Jews from the NDH were transpoted to Aushwitz on five trains from the Croat concentration camps at Tenje and Loborgrad and from Zagreb and Sarajevo.

Reichsfuehrer-SS Heinrich Himmler was on a state visit to Zagreb in May,1943 when two trains on May 5 and 10 trasported 1,150 Jews to Auschwitz.

Wholesale murder of the prisoners was also carried out in the forest near the Krapje Camp, near the „Versaj“ Camp and „Uštica“ Camp on the whole left bank of the Sava, downriver from Jasenovac to Jablanac and Mlaka.

Furthermore, within the complex of Camp III there was also a crematorium which was actually an oven for baking bricks, that the Ustaša converted for the use burning the bodies of their victims.

The crematorium became known as "Picili's Funaceo" after the designer of the oven conversion plan, Hinko Picili.

In addition to the horrendous conditions in the Jasenovac camps, the guards also cruelly tortured, terrorized, and murdered prisoners at will. Here the most varied forms of torture were used: finger and toe nails were pulled out with metal instruments, eyes were dug out with specially constructed hooks, people were blinded by having needles stuck in their eyes, flesh was cut and then salted.

People were also flayed, had their noses, ears and tongues cut off with wire cutters, and had awls stuck in their hearts. Daughters were raped in front of their mothers, sons were tortured in front of their fathers.

The prisoners and all those who ended up in Jasenovac had their throats cut by the Ustaša with specially designed knives, or they were killed with axes, mallets and hammers; they were also shot, or they were hung from trees or light poles. Some were burned alive in hot furnaces, boiled in cauldrons, or drowned in the River Sava.

The acts of violence and depravity commited in Jasenovac were so brutal that General von Horstenau, Hitler's representative in Zagreb, wrote:

"The Ustaša camps in the NDH are the "Epitome of horror"!

Stara Gradiska

Stara Gradiska was the most notorious camp in the Jasenovac complex besides the main camp (Ciglana), mainly due to the crimes which were committed against women and children.

Camp staff, Antun Vrban, Nada Luburic, Maja Buzdon, Jozo Stojcic, and especially the commandant and former-friar Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, were notorious both in Jasenovac and Stara Gradiska, for killing scores of inmates with his bare hands, women and children included.

In in cellar 3 at Stara Gradiska, (known as the "Gagro Hotel"), starved inmates were first tortured and then slowly strangled to death by wire.

In the Dinko Sakic trial, witness Ivo Senjanovic recalled how people were locked there without food or water:

"The people were gradually dying. It was horrible to hear them cry for help."

The treatment of inmates was so horrific that on the night of August 29, 1942, bets were made among the prison guards as to who could liquidate the largest number of inmates. One of the guards, Petar Brzica reportedly cut the throats of 1,360 prisoners with a butcher knife. A gold watch, a silver service, a roasted suckling pig, and wine were among his rewards.

The type of knife used for cutting prisoners' throats became known as srbosjek translated as the "Serb-cutter". Because of his expertise with the sbosjek, Petar Brzica was dubbed "King of the Cut-throats".

It is estimated that close to 600,000 (depending on who's statistics you agree with), mostly Serbs, Jews, Gypsies, were murdered at Jasenovac.

The number of Jewish victims was between twenty and twenty-five thousand, most of whom were murdered there up to August 1942, when deportation of the Croatian Jews to Auschwitz for extermination began.

Statistics for Romani victims are difficult to assess, as there are no firm estimates of their number in prewar Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The best estimates calculate the number of Romani victims at about 26,000, of whom between 8,000 and 15,000 perished in Jasenovac.

There are only loose estimates for the number of Croats murdered by the Ustaša. This group included political and religious opponents of the regime, both Catholic and Muslim. Between 5,000 and 12,000 Croats are believed to have died in Jasenovac.

In early April 1945, the partisans were fighting nearby Jasenovac and its subcamps, so the Ustase began eliminating traces of the camp, killing some of the inmates and transporting others to Lepoglava and from there to Jasenovac I.

The ultimate liquidation of the Camp was begun on April 20, when the last large group of women and children was executed. On April 22, 1945, under the leadership of Ante Vukotic, about 600 people armed with bricks, poles, hammers and other things, broke down the doors, shattered windows and ran out of the building. About 470 people were sick and unable to fight barehanded with the armed Ustaša, so they did not take part in the rebellion.

The 150 meter long path to the east gate of the camp was covered by the crossfire of the Ustaša machine guns, and many prisoners were killed there. A large number of them was killed on the wires of the camp. A hundred prisoners managed to break through the broken gate of the camp. Only 80 prisoners survived while 520 of them died in the first assault. The remaining 470 within the camp were later killed by the Ustaša.

Yugoslav Army forces entered the Stara Gradiska camp on April 23, and Jasenovac on May 2, 1945. Before leaving the camp, the Ustaša killed the remaining prisoners, blasted and destroyed the buildings, guard-houses, torture rooms, the "Picili Furnace" and the other structures. Upon entering the camp, the liberators found only ruins, soot, smoke, and dead bodies.

During the following months of 1945, the grounds of Jasenovac were thoroughly destroyed by forced laborers, composed of 200 to 600 Domobran soldiers captured by the Partisans, thereby making the area a labor camp. They leveled the camp to the ground and among other things dismantled a two-kilometer long, four-meter high wall that surrounded it.

The National Committee of Croatia for the investigation of the crimes of the occupation forces and their collaborators stated in its report of November 15, 1945 that 500,000-600,000 people were killed at Jasenovac.



Dedijer, Vladimir. The Yugoslav Auschwitz and the Vatican: The Croatian Massacre of the Serbs during World War II. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1992.
Romans, J. Jews of Yugoslavia, 1941- 1945: Victims of Genocide and Freedom Fighters, Belgrade, 1982.

Fotich, Konstantin. The War We Lost: Yugoslavia's Tragedy and the Failure of the West. New York: Viking Press, 1948.
Brochure of the Jasenovac Research Institute, written by JRI Research Director Barry Lituchy, (c) 2000.
Gutman, Israel, ed. The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. 4 vols. New York:
Ustaša Camps by Mirko Percen, Globus, Zagreb, 1966. Second expanded printing 1990.
Ustashi and the Independent State of Croatia 1941-1945, by Fikreta Jelic-Butic, Liber, Zagreb, 1977.

US National Archives

*Special thanks to the USHMM [United States Holocaust Memorial Museum]


If you would like to get in touch with me, Aleksandra, please feel free to contact me at ravnagora@hotmail.com


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